a Chef, on Keto, in Europe? Nah!... but advice, please!

MisChef Posts: 48 Member
I'm going to be in the lands of chocolate, pastry, pasta, wine and bread for six glorious weeks as we drive through Spain, France and Italy......

... AFTER following keto, and keeping to 20 grams (or less) of carbohydrates for almost 8 week so far. (I lost almost 14 lbs!)

As a chef, not eating carb-heavy foods when in Europe would be like being a child, going to disneyworld, and be told I couldn't ride any rides, or even get a pair of mouse-ears! I'm not going to be miserable about missing out, and I'm not going to subject my husband to having to deal with me, on the vacation of a lifetime, whinging about whether I can or can't eat something.

I've decided that I'm going experience ALL of what Europe has to offer, and NOT count carbs/calories while I'm vacation. I've proven to myself that I *CAN* be dedicated and actually lose weight if I put my mind to it.

SO, that said, I'm going to gradually increase carbs from 5% to 20% over the next six weeks, to avoid shocking my system. I plan to avoid bread, rice and pasta for the remaining 6 weeks, and still only consume them in moderation when I'm there.

i've read how so many people here, who follow keto, get the reverse of carb flu and/or bloating & cramps from their binge days... just from a DAY of eating carbs again!

Does anyone have any advice?

P. S. I'll definitely be "back in the saddle" after Thanksgiving, when I'm back in the USA.


  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    Hi MisChef! I'm going to Europe for a couple of weeks very soon and have decided to do the same thing. I don't want to look back on my vacation and think of how preoccupied I was for my diet that I missed out, and I definitely do not want to offend my hosts by demanding a special menu.

    The thing for me to remember is that I want to keep food in its time and place, for example, I'm not going to sit at a coffee shop and chow down on sweets at 3pm just because I have two hours to kill. I want to eat at mealtimes and enjoy it with the people that accompany me. And then not worry about food until the next meal.

    Also I've read things online about people who go on vacation actually lose weight because of all the walking they will be doing. I know I'll be doing a ton of walking so hopefully that will balance out some of the extra carbs/calories I will have. By any means, I'm going to bring the pants I don't quite fit into, hoping I will fit into them by the second week.

    Now, I did go off the keto diet after being on it for three weeks (I'm back on it after one week off, crazy family issues and work obligations that include food) and there was a significant amount of water weight put back on. But that was with my sedentary, living 45 miles from work, use car for everything lifestyle. I'm sure that the travel activity will help counter that as well.