Corn fed cows bad? Candy corn fed cows must be better.

MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
This cracked me up.
Several thoughts... It sounds like it is one guy so not a trend. But...

1. Highly subsidized corn is too expensive?
2. He is worried about thr fat content and not the sugar?
3. If the cows are gaining the same weight when eating candy as eating corn.. what is that telling you about corn


  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    It tells me the cows must just be eating too much corn and not exercising enough!

    LOL I like how the guy seemed worried about the fat content of the candy (because as a farmer who fattens up cows on corn, he seemed convinced it was the fat content of the candy/corn which did so, or so I got from it)
  • Talialala
    Talialala Posts: 40 Member

    First off, you're title made me laugh and thus read this article! Too funny!

    This farmer might be on to something LOL

    I am curious what "second hand" candy actually means. Old jawbreakers, half eaten fun size snickers? Can you even EAT half a fun size snickers?

    Very funny article. Makes me wonder tho...

    Good thing I buy local GRASS FED beef. Sheesh
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Having raised grass fed cattle in the past and knowing people who raise same and other livestock, amazing what farmers will feed animals just to get them to market as cheap as possible. Candy? A pig farmer used to feed his pigs cadbury easter cream eggs that were tossed. If it makes you wonder about the whole fod industry, pricing, branding, and market share, it should. For years and years farmers have been shafted, getting minimum price and the middeman processor and grocer getting the profit. Nice to see people buying direct from the farmer/grower. When it takes 10 cents worth of oats to make a $5 box of Cheerios, no wonder many are starving and corporations are rich.
  • mantisladyx
    mantisladyx Posts: 135 Member
    I wonder how the meat will taste once it hits the grocery stores....would that still be Omega Sweet meat...what a treat, lmao.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    A pig farmer used to feed his pigs cadbury easter cream eggs that were tossed.

    :noway: I bet that pork was deeeeelicious.
  • bubblicious84
    bubblicious84 Posts: 74 Member
    I heard this on a "Latest in Paleo" podcast. When will people get it?