
perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
I've noticed that since I've started the program I've been experiencing nausea quite frequently. Never to the point of throwing up or anything. I haven't changed my diet since starting the program, except increasing my protein. I feel fine during my workout, its usually the next day I'm hit with nausea. Or sometimes even later on in the evening on the same day I've worked out. Maybe its all in my head, but when I eat protein I feel like the nausea is worse. This morning I tried to eat my egg and sausage and nearly threw it up (or so it felt). The same thing happened when I drank my protein shake yesterday. Someone offered me a half of muffin today and that settled my stomach for a little while.

Is it possible the nausea is either related to the increased protein in my diet or a response to the workout? Anyone else experience this? I recognize it could be totally unrelated but wanted to see if anyone else was going through this.


  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    hmmm, just looked at my diary for yesterday, while my dinner was terrible (homemade chicken strips and french fries courtesy of hubby), I had 148 grams of protein, which is alot for me. I typically average around 90-100 grams (I weigh 140 lbs). Since my nausea is pretty bad today I'm thinking it may be the protein overdose?
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    I definitely feel ill sometimes when I eat a lot of protein. especially after a workout, sometimes i am not that hungry but know i have to have some protein, then i feel gross! for some reason working out makes me less hungry! after a hard workout if i didnt make myself eat id prob only eat 1000 calories a day!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Protein no, fats/greasy food possibly...or could you be pregnant?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, protein makes me sick. I wouldn't call it an overdose, more of a "I don't want to eat this!" and then stomach sick after.

    I mean, protein shakes -can- be delicious, but how many times can you have them before you just want to chug them and get it out of the way. Then you're all full of that sweet, foamy stuff and it wants to come up.

    Or eggs, which are SO EASY TO GET TIRED OF. If I have more than 2 eggs a day for 2 days then I'm liable to be nauseous until they're digested.