Lifting every day

rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
Question for you all:

Is it detrimental to lift a few muscle groups every day, switching them up every time?

I have one of those big *kitten* functional trainers in my office and instead of taking an hour out of my day three days a week I have been lifting five or six days a week but only lifting for @ 10-20 minutes, and just isolating a couple muscles each time. This way I alternate what I am doing, never hitting the same muscle group more than three times in a week, and keeping my activities kind of light timewise, but lifting where it is difficult.

So, is this counter productive? It works really well with my work schedule as I can take a 10 minute break a few times a day, and I don't feel so exhausted. Just don't want to be over-exerting the same group and to be able to give a rest.

thoughts on whether this is okay?


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think as long as you arent using the same muscle groups back to back, you should be fine..
    But honestly it sounds like a lot of hassle though. I would commit to working out 1 hr a day for three days rather than 10 minute breaks.. once you get your body warmed up to do your mini workout, its time to go back to work..

    To each their own though:)
    If its working for you, its definitely better than nothing!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I'm not a trainer, nor do I want to be one but my thoughts on this are that when I lift I want to really exhaust my muscles and cause the microscopic tears that make my muscles have to repair themselves (get larger!). I tend to go at it like a beast, put forth 100% for my workout and then rest the next day. If you are only working out 10 mins a day, I would definately make those 10 mins count. I think the new way of thinking when it comes to lifting is more of a total body approach and not tons of isolation exercises. Who wants to waste time focusing on a tiny muscle here and there when you can go over, grab a bar and do something that works your entire body.

    I say consolidate your 10 mins every day to 20 mins every other day and do more total body exercises.