week 4 is killing me!



  • rayraygbs
    ddee..i have asthma, so i am actually repeating week 4 again, so it'll be day 6 on week 4, i've had some work issues and weather issues that i havent been able to do it 3 times in a week so it'll be week 3. i have to get my breathing under control and my pace steady before i'm comfortable moving up. that and i dont want to stress out my joints too much being that i am pretty overweight still. i dont feel bad about repeating it, i'm doing it for me, so i know i have to be comfortable to move up or my anxiety will be beat me to it :)
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Yea I am thinking the same. My knees are suffering so need to slow down a bit. Plus I go to bed at night thinking about it. Why am I stressing over it... need to repeat week 4 and just chill.
  • rayraygbs
    definitely dont stress! this is all for you, took me a while to understand that! this is week 3 on week 4, or day 5 since i couldn't get 3 days a week in for a while and there is a complete difference, i got my breathing in check today and a good pace, so 1 more day at week 4 then i'll move up next week. we can do this!!
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    It took me a little to push past that 8 min run.. too

    Definitely mental vs. physical for sure. I closed my eyes and just found my rythmn and felt it just past. Last night I completed week 5, day 3 (8 / 5 / 8) but felt so good did another 8 min run and ended up with 8/5/8/5/8 I was so proud of myself.

    Felt like puking afterwards but SO happy!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    As I said on other thread.... someone come and kick me out the door, don't wanna go. Day 2 on week 4. Don't wanna don'twanna waaaaa waaaaaa. Yea I am sressing too much. It is pretty bad when I go to bed coynting because I have to count the minutes when I run. I definetly need to invest in a timer watch.

    Keep moving everyone !!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Sheeesh I need spell check on my nook. So I did go out. Had to walk a little bit in the 2nd five minute set, but getting there. And yes, I am still counting. Haha.
  • DeeDee1066
    DeeDee1066 Posts: 16 Member

    Felt like puking afterwards but SO happy!

    Thanks for the laugh. Congrats.
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Yippee! Completed wk4 d1, thought my lungs were either going to burst or melt, but made it. Also thought I would have to drop the speed (on treadmill) but managed to keep it going. Hopefully d2 will feel easier tomorrow night!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Having to slow up a bit cause knee is still an issue. Don't want to blow it out and not ne able to do the race end of Sept. So took an extra day in between and walked today instead of day 3. I think I will stay at week 4 at least another week.

    So what is everyone else doing today ??
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    I just had to join this thread. I did Day 3 of Week 4 yesterday. I found day 1 really hard, then day 2 was harder because my head said it was going to be! I had a slight niggle in my right knee which concerned me because I couldn't decide whether to run through it or rest it so I don't make it worse...

    In the end I checked out running styles and stretches and found that a faster pace with a much shorter stride made for much less impact on my knees and had no pain at all. I wondered whether my time would change because the shorter stride would take me much longer, but map my walk told me that I was overall average of 0.3mph faster!

    I struggled at first with the new stride but remembered to lean slightly forward and felt that gravity was on my side. I will probably do another day of week 4 though to make sure I have my stride sorted before moving on to week 5. But I feel that for me, most of my concern about week 5 is mental rather than physical. Hope everyone else here is doing well. :)
  • alukus
    I start week four in two days and I am shaking in my boots! Also I wondered if there was anyone who is repeating any of the other weeks? I have done a total of six workouts for each week. I just really wanted to take it slow and make sure I didn't injure myself. Am I the only pokey one in the bunch?
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    I join you in the slow poke mode. I only did 2 days of week 4 this past week and plan on repeating it. Had to get it into my head that it is OK to repeat. That it is not a race. And even when and if I do a 5k, it will be for distance not speed.

    So just take it slow and steady. I will be right there with you !!
  • alukus
    I agree! I'm not doing this to race I am doing it to prove to myself I can :)
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Oooh, I like that mindset. Doing it to prove to myself I can !! My hubby said it today, you are doing it for health, not to win a race !! Keep up the slow and steady pace and when you hear heavy breathing behind you, don't panic, it's just me !! Haha
  • alukus
    Haha! That's too funny! I'm usually watching my husband shrink in the distance. But it's not so bad seeing him from behind haha!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Went out for day 3 week 4. Thought about just walking, but went for it. Still have to swing by the house to drop off dog. Hahaha. Poor thing is collapsed on the floor. But he does make it thru 1/2 of it.

    I am done with week 4, but need to give the knee some TLC and I will repeat before going on to 5.

    My victory is that I ran the 1/2 mile without stopping. That is great for me !!
  • alukus
    Went out for day 3 week 4. Thought about just walking, but went for it. Still have to swing by the house to drop off dog. Hahaha. Poor thing is collapsed on the floor. But he does make it thru 1/2 of it.

    I am done with week 4, but need to give the knee some TLC and I will repeat before going on to 5.

    My victory is that I ran the 1/2 mile without stopping. That is great for me !!

    Awesome Job!
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Today is rest day. I did get on bike and elliptical for a bit, but won 't be out walking or running with dog. Feels weird to just be relaxing and NOT sweating. Haha
  • Scalvak
    Scalvak Posts: 46 Member
    I have never *ever* been a runner. Week 1 about did me in! I was scared of Week 2, but found it much easier than Week 1. Week 3 was a little rough, but now.. after Day 1 of Week 4.. I'm totally missing Week 3!

    Three weeks ago I could barely run 60 seconds at a time.. Now I can run 5 minutes at a time - not well, not fast, not pretty.. more like a wounded animal.. but I can do it :)
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    Oh that is it !!! Was trying to figure out how to decribe me.... a wounded animal. That is exactly it. I am thinking ,...... penguin !! Yup that is me. Heeeee heee, thanks for the giggle.