After Effects of Falling off the Clean journey

JustineSane Posts: 26 Member
I have been mostly eating clean for about a year off and on. The past two months I have been totally clean. Then something happened, I am not sure what, but I started eating more and more 'unclean' foods in the evening. For the past week or so I have eaten white bread, chocolate covered almonds, pie, white tortillas, corn nachos, etc .....
I feel like garbage! My stomach is so upset, I have cramps, and I feel so gassy and bloated. Every day I wake up and eat clean until dinner time when I grab whatever I can find! I don't know what is going on mentally that is making me do this ..... but mainly I am asking about these side effects. What is up with the gas,bloating and cramping? Is this further evidence that the body does not need, and therefore rejects processed foods? Is this a normal reaction? has anyone experienced this when they change their diet?
All the eat clean books and websites warn about changes when you start eating clean (which I never experienced), but I haven't really seen much about when you re-introduce unclean doods into your life.
Starting now, no more :), eat clean and train dirty all the way for me! Hopefully this awful feeling goes away.


  • christi921
    I have experienced the same side effects when I don't eat clean. I have also noticed that I really don't enjoy the processed foods as much as I think I am going to and also that some actually taste disgusting to me now, where before I was so tolerant to I guess the chemicals in them that I didn't even taste them.