Can I do this without a gym?

Hello Ladies!

I am very interested in giving this a go but I do not belong to a gym. Can I do this without one? What would I need in terms of a home gym (minimum) to do everything?

Any help would be fantastic. I'm at 23% lean muscle and 46% body fat so I have a LONG way to go. I'm hoping to be fit by my wedding in a year.




  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Beth!! I am doing this at home. I am halfway done with stage 4 now. I bought $200 worth of equipment on Craigslist back in May. I got two benches, a barbell, two sets of dumbbells, and a bunch of weights to change out. They are the screw-on type, but it doesn't take too long to change the weights. I also bought a swiss ball at Wal-Mart for about $15 and some cheap lifting gloves. For the step ups, I use a chest in my bedroom. You might be able to look around your home and find something that can work without actually buying the steps. Good luck!!
  • Sammylynn89
    Sammylynn89 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm also doing this program at home and spent about the same for some equipment on amazon. I got a squat rack, a barbell, weights, adjustable bench, and a swiss ball. For step ups I just used the bench to do them.

    This program is totally do able at home! You will have to do some modifications for certain exercises because you're just not going to have a cable system in your home, unless you're willing to drop some serious cash for one. He gives you the modifications right in the book so you're all set!

    Also, when it comes time for you to do HIIT routines, there are a TON of free videos on Youtube that you can do. I recently came across and I love their workouts! So intense but perfect for HIIT! I really recommend checking them out.

    I'm still in Stage 1, so still pretty new, but already seeing an increase in my strength. Good luck and have fun :)

    feel free to add me if you're looking for a NROL4W buddy :)