Help me get started?

Alright, I thought I had this whole thing down, but after reading through a few topics, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. If somebody who has a good grasp on EM2WL could take a few minutes to put me on the right track, I'd be VERY appreciative.

I'm 18-years-old, 5'8, and I currently weigh 180.6 pounds. I am in recovery for bulimia. I originally lost 145 pounds eating typically 1200 calories a day. I gained about 50 pounds back when my ED got at its worse (500 calories a day or fasting plus lots of bingeing and purging). I am back down about 25 pounds.

I'm using the Scooby's Calculator for my estimates and should get my fitbit in a week or so.

Here are the stats once more:

Age: 18
Height: 5'8
Weight: 180.6lbs
BMR: 1669
TDEE with light exercise: 2295
TDEE with moderate exercise: 2587

The past week I've been eating a 20% cut on a TDEE based with 'light' exercise even though I do 45-75 minutes of walking every day and about 15 minutes of strength training every other day. I didn't know if this counted as moderate exercise or not, so I played it safe with light. That calorie goal was 1836.

Help? D: Somebody tell me what to eat? And what I should adjust for when I get my fitbit?


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    You are at least moderate and I would suggest not cutting more than 15%. I would also suggest cutting back a little on the walking(unless it is your mode of transport) and increasing your lift sessions. You could fall under the next level up if the intensity is high. But start with the moderate and let's see how it goes.
