Weekly weigh in



  • adoniaw
    So I added 3lbs over 2 weeks (Reading Festival and holiday in Barcelona are to blame) - which actually wasn't as bad as I'd feared!

    I've knocked off 1lb since coming back and I'm hitting the gym 5 times this week including my first ever Body Pump class - scared! - so should be able to lose the other 2 by Sunday and get back under 10st again which would be loooovely. If I *do* lose the other 2lbs I'm going to spoil myself with some glorious red wine on Sunday night :)

    Fingers crossed...

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Adonia x
  • ellybellybalooba
    Well done ladies!

    So I missed last Friday's weigh in as I was at Bestival, but when i returned on monday I was chuffed to see I had stayed the same. I won't count it though as it was on a monday.

    I'll weigh in properly on Friday. I've no idea what the scales will say as i've been eating lots of comfort food after 4 days camping!
  • marina_partlett
    Well another week and another 2lbs gone for me

    Starting weight: 150 lbs
    Current weight: 140 lbs
    Total weight loss: 10lbs
    Weight loss this week: 2lbs

    Chuffed to bits and wedding dress shopping tomorrow - woohoo :-)
  • ellybellybalooba
    Well done Marina! Enjoy your wedding dress shopping, it's so much fun!

    I put 1 lbs on, but i'm not too worried as I was at a festival. Back being strict now!

    Cooking some seafood tapas tonight to pick at!
  • Judley74
    Another lb gone - slowly and steadily!!

    (I wish it would go a bit faster...!!!)
  • ellybellybalooba
    Happy Friday everyone, good luck for your weigh ins!

    I'm so sad, it was the first thing I thought of when I woke up!

    I lost a pound this week, so back on track.
  • Poppy_WIWT
    I've put half a stone on since travelling to Barcelona, New York and hotel living for London Fashion Week. Entirely my own fault, was very aware that I was eating EVERYTHING and boozing like there was no tomorrow. Luckily feeling so hideous at sight of own reflection this weekend that Monday *should* be a new beginning. On a girly weekend in Manchester this weekend so again, lots of booze and food, but Monday I shall be gymming again and trying to cut back on wheat and NOT DRINKING VODKA ALL THE TIME.

    I've never had such poor self control! Astounded at my own laziness. FFS.

    Luckily still have quite a bit of time til target loss (Jan) xxx
  • LeslieC1970
    Hi Everyone,

    Down 2 lbs this week and going for a few more think week hopefully. I am trying to lower the carb intake by avoiding bread, pasta, and potatoes this week and trade them for salads. Hope this helps to keep me motivated.
  • ellybellybalooba
    Hi Leslie - well done for 2lbs off! Avoiding bread, pasta and potatoes is hard, but don't restrict yourself too much, just have a little!

    I've lost another pound this week, was hoping for 2 as eaten well and been running. But still happy! Nearly 1/2 a stone lost!

    How's everyone else been this week?

  • ellybellybalooba
    Me again, does anyone weigh in on a Friday still?

    I lost 2 lbs this week and went to an 8lbs loss! I'm so chuffed, so chuffed in fact that i've persuaded my work colleagues to go out for lunch!

    Good luck to everyone else!

  • Judley74
    Me again, does anyone weigh in on a Friday still?

    I lost 2 lbs this week and went to an 8lbs loss! I'm so chuffed, so chuffed in fact that i've persuaded my work colleagues to go out for lunch!

    Good luck to everyone else!


    Well done you - I lost 3lb and than have flatlined - think I need to get back on it again. Trouble is when the weather gets cooler, all I want to eat is stodgy stews and potatoes and things!!!

    Ah well!
  • ellybellybalooba

    Well done you - I lost 3lb and than have flatlined - think I need to get back on it again. Trouble is when the weather gets cooler, all I want to eat is stodgy stews and potatoes and things!!!

    Ah well!

    I know what you mean, it's comfort food-ahoy!

    I try and limit my carbs to just a 1/3 of my plate and then fill up on protein and veg! Also, i went and bought a smaller plate, as the ones we have are massive and i end up filling it, like a trough!