What have you done today?

kolraw Posts: 42 Member
So we all have a plan to lose those 20 lbs. Post here showing what you have done today to reach that. Gotta have the accountability...:happy:

Personally, so far, I went and played a round of golf. Which equals walking 2.25 miles and burning 1500 calories.


  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    I was starting to wonder where the group went lol. I ran 2.8 miles this morning
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I did some pilates this morning, ate a healthy 326 cal breakfast, cup of green tea, and am downing water. Planning on heading to the salad bar at lunch with some filling protein and taking a walk afterwards. Then tomorrow I'm on to the 30DS.
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I was starting to wonder where the group went lol. I ran 2.8 miles this morning

    We're here :-)
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    I will run/walk 3.11 miles tonight. I figure if I'm scheduled to run a 5k in two weeks then I should be out there pounding the pavement for the full 3.11 miles each time I practice.

    After that we have a get together to go to... I asked the host to either let me bring my own food or prepare me some grilled chicken. She obliged, so I'll have yummy grilled chicken and fresh vegetables awaiting me after my run. Now thats a reward! Yum!
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I will run/walk 3.11 miles tonight. I figure if I'm scheduled to run a 5k in two weeks then I should be out there pounding the pavement for the full 3.11 miles each time I practice.

    After that we have a get together to go to... I asked the host to either let me bring my own food or prepare me some grilled chicken. She obliged, so I'll have yummy grilled chicken and fresh vegetables awaiting me after my run. Now thats a reward! Yum!

    Awesome that the host is being supportive and making something special for you!
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    WTG everyone!!! Getting it done on a beautiful Friday!
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I started 30DS today. That is no joke!! I need to muster the motivation to stick with this because I know I'll see some results if I do that every day! I feel slightly nauseous. :-P
  • babyann79
    babyann79 Posts: 49 Member
    Today I ran, walked up hills, and did the elliptical at the gym! I also did some push ups, squats, and some knee lifts!
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Yesterday I started the first DVD of Slim in 6...today Im feeling it! In about 45 mins, I will be going for day 2 :)
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    I started 30DS today. That is no joke!! I need to muster the motivation to stick with this because I know I'll see some results if I do that every day! I feel slightly nauseous. :-P

    Hang in there! I remember my first week and I thought I'd never be able to sit on the potty again I was so sore! I'm about to start a 2nd round on my off days from running tonight.
  • Ange03063
    Ange03063 Posts: 55 Member
    I ran/walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes today. It's been crummy outside the past couple of days and I can't wait to run/walk outside again! I'm planning on starting 30DS bright and early in the AM! Tomorrow's plan consists of 30DS (Day 1) and if the weather holds up, taking my son a nice long walk to the park (it has a zoo and playground inside). The walk to the park is about a mile. If the weather's crummy again, then it's on the treadmill again in the AM then hoping to squeeze in 30DS during my son's nap. I'm not gonna lie....I'm a little scared of Jillian and 30DS.....
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    I was on the elyptical for an extra 15 minutes and added extra 5 second push ups...
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    Today I did my run/walk of 3.11 miles. It was so stinking hot out that my time was way longer than I'm getting used to. I thought, well at least you've probably burned more calories. Nope! Just sweated more. Oh well, at least I did it!
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    This morning I woke up to run and it was pouring so I did what I had planned to do this evening, Shred it with Weights (Jillian Michaels) Hopefully it isn't raining later :)
  • 91King
    91King Posts: 12 Member
    Ran 5km with my puppy this morning before the rain started. He loves it and it helps me to have a workout partner who is depending on me!
  • irisheyes7177
    irisheyes7177 Posts: 40 Member
    Hour and a half of power yoga - it kicked my butt. I am still struggling to eat enough though. I am on the Dukan Diet - and I don't think I am eating enough. Hard to eat a lot of protein though.
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    What is the Dukan diet?

    I ran two miles this morning, feel much better after I ran!
  • linsteg
    linsteg Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ya'll! Im SO new to all of this. Here's my delima for today:
    I do not know how to record my exercise. This morning I started C25K.
    Today was: brisk 5 min. warmup walk
    Then alternate 60 seconds of joggin and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 mintues.
    Can you help me understand how to put that into MFP?
  • irisheyes7177
    irisheyes7177 Posts: 40 Member
    What is the Dukan diet?

    It's a healthier version of Atkins...mostly protein. There are 4 stages. I am in stage two - which means I alternate all protein days and protein/veggie days until I reach my goal weight.
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    Got my run on today! Felt great after missing a weeks worth of exercise due to illness. Hope everyone is having a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!