Lifting/Stretching routines??

Posted this on the main fitness board too but then realized I might get more constructive help from my EM2WL friends :)

I've been looking online and can't seem to find an explicitly written stretching or lifting routine anywhere. There are lots of articles about ideas to try, but nothing that gives a good schedule to follow. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places?? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have a Weider home gym and very light hand weights and a balance ball. I want to work on my core, my biceps, and my knees primarily to start. I also have instability in my sacro-illiac (sp?) joints.

I know I'm asking alot, I won't take it for granted!


  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    If you are interested in using dvd's check out go to shop and there are videos there. Alot of us use Cathe Friedrich's dvd's and she is awesome. She has stretching dvd's and tone of lifting dvd's. Im currently doing Muscle max and next on my list is pyramids upper/lower. Check that out and see what you think. Good Luck!