Guilt/kind of freaking out

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
I'm about halfway through stage 1 (will do A5 tomorrow). I've been following the book's guideline for calories - which I thought he said was maintenance - but I've been reading through some posts this morning and people are saying the book is for a surplus??

I plan to weigh myself next weekend per the book's 'wait 4 weeks and see what happens' stance. I've tried to meet the calorie and macro goals as best I can, but there's nights (like last night) where alcohol gets involved and I went over by around 1300 calories - and it was a lifting day, so I was already 'eating more'. So not only do I feel pretty gross and hungover today, I feel extremely guilty and anxious regarding what the scale is going to say... I started at 156 but ideally want to be closer to 145-150, although I'd be okay with weighing the same and looking smaller by being more toned/defined... at this point I feel like a big fat lazy squishy slob. Before NR I was doing 5+ hours of cardio a week and ate closer to 2600 cals a day and basically maintained. Now I'm only doing NR with no added exercise, eating 2100 on nonworkout days and 2350 on workout days. But coming from 2600, even 2350 seems so small - I don't know if I could cut more.

Anyone have any advice? I am a nervous wreck right now


  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hi. Sorry you're feeling badly. Don't beat yourself up. Come and check out the stickies on the Eat More to Weigh Less group. Many of us are doing the NROLFW and the Eat More to Weigh Less concurrently. The theories pretty much go hand in hand. I, myself, am currently working through my second week of metabolic reset (8 weeks long) which is eating at my TDEE of 2300 cals. After the 8 weeks I wil be cutting 15% [TDEE (-15%)], and eating around 2050. It has changed forever how I view food and calories. ;) fire me a friend request of you'd like. It's a friendly group with LOTS of support.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi. Sorry you're feeling badly. Don't beat yourself up. Come and check out the stickies on the Eat More to Weigh Less group. Many of us are doing the NROLFW and the Eat More to Weigh Less concurrently. The theories pretty much go hand in hand. I, myself, am currently working through my second week of metabolic reset (8 weeks long) which is eating at my TDEE of 2300 cals. After the 8 weeks I wil be cutting 15% [TDEE (-15%)], and eating around 2050. It has changed forever how I view food and calories. ;) fire me a friend request of you'd like. It's a friendly group with LOTS of support.

    I'm a member there as well. Prior to NR I was doing 5.5 hours of cardio a week and doing a metabolic reset eating 2655 calories a day. By the end of reset, I was up 2 pounds, which I'd say is pretty much maintaining. But now I've cut out all cardio minus a quick warmup before lifting and just lift 3 times a week... I don't know. I know I just need to keep the faith and keep pluggin' away but I'm not having a good time of that this morning
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hmm. Interesting. I haven't cut out cardio because I have a race in 2 weeks. Maybe just try to get in some HIIT??? I still plan on running after the race, but probably keep them pretty short (5k's). I don't think I'd be happy with only the 3x a week. :)
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    Hmm. Interesting. I haven't cut out cardio because I have a race in 2 weeks. Maybe just try to get in some HIIT??? I still plan on running after the race, but probably keep them pretty short (5k's). I don't think I'd be happy with only the 3x a week. :)

    I wanted to follow the book true to form - I know some HIIT/interval stuff is added in stage 2, so I thought doing it as written and focusing just on lifting during stage 1 was a good way to go. Maybe not though?
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    The eating recommendations in the book are TDEE type recommendations and not BMR. You can eat 2000 on lifting days and 1700 on non-lifting days if you want, but don't eat back the exercise calories as those are included in the numbers. You could also just calculate your TDEE on the Scooby Workshop site or if you have a different source and use that.

    If you are used to doing exercise, I personally don't see why you couldn't do cardio AFTER weights. I do cardio after weights (about 15-20 mins of intervals) and it has not caused me any problems.

    There is no reason to be nervous, you do something and if it doesn't work you change it. ;)
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Nah, the numbers are just at maintenance. I think Lou would have gotten thrown out of the bookstore if he presented something intending for women to gain weight. They're actually below maintenance for me and a lot of the women I speak to - we can eat a considerable amount more without gaining. If you already know what you maintain at, just cut whatever you want for it. 1300 over is doable. Just one day. :) 2 zumba classes are the end of that.

    I wouldn't bother doing LOTS of cardio, but adding in things to keep you sane isn't bad. Overtraining is one thing, maintaining an active life is another.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    The calories in the book are below my maintenance. I actually upped my calories according to Scooby and not the book. Feel free to friend me so we can support each other. I am in Phase 3. I love weight lifting now. I used to be a cardio junkie.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    The numbers in the book are maintenance numbers. I'm also about four weeks into stage 1 and I'm eating at maintenance as well. I just weighed in over the weekend and I was exactly the same. I'm also trying to follow the program true to form as well, so I rarely do cardio. As far as the 'over cals' day don't beat yourself up over it. Learn the lesson then move on and let it go. We all fall off, just dust yourself off and pick yourself up. Next time plan for alcohol in advance by saving some calories throughout the week, or simply just say no to alcohol if you feel like its a major weakness for you. I wouldn't change your calories just yet, maybe wait until you finish stage 1 then assess and adjust as necessary.