Week 1 Results

pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
Figured I'd get it started.

SW = 174
CW = 172.5 (weighed-in this morning)
GW = 167 (7 lb drop)

1.5 lbs down (1%)
5.5 lbs to go (3%)

I guess I'm on track. How about you?


  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Not sure how I've managed after 5 weeks already of MFP but...

    SW (4% Challenge): 172
    CW: 168
    GW (4% Challenge): 165

    4lbs down and 3lbs to go :D Hopefully I should be well on my way to that 4% challenge.
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 177.5
    CW: 175.5
    GW (for this challenge): 170

    2 down and 5 to go!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    SW - 8/19: 144

    Week 1 8/26: 141 (-3lbs!)
    Week 2 9/2:
    Week 3 9/9:
    Week 4 9/16:

    4% GW for Week 4: 138
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Well. I don't think I belong here. I'm up four pounds for some God forsaken reason. I'm not sure how the hell to do this all. Was having awesome success.

    Last week's weigh in : 172

    Today: 176.8

    My goal was 8 lbs in a month.

    Sorry peeps!

  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 128.4
    CW: 127.6
    GW: 125.0
  • smilingselena
    smilingselena Posts: 141 Member
    SW = 194.6
    CW = 192.9(weighed-in this morning)
    GW = 186.8 (7.78 lb drop)

    1.7 lbs down (just under 1%)
    6.8 lbs to go (3%)
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    SW - 146.6
    CW - 146.2
    GW - 140… don't know if this will happen, as my goal of 22% bf will likely have me at 142lbs, but no harm in trying
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    W1W: 179.2 lbs
    W2w: 178.2 lbs

    TWL: 1 lb

    GW for challenge: 171.2 lbs
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Starting date: August 22nd
    SW: 179
    4%: 7.16 lbs
    Ending date: September 22nd
    EW: 171.8

    Week #1, August 29th @ 184.5

    Up 5.5 lbs in the first week. Sheesh.

    I went to the state fair twice this week and did no exercise at all. So, I really have some work to do. I feel puffy and gross right now. Hoping it's all sodium and water weight.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Week 1 - unable to train this week so had a gain :sad:

    SW 185.9
    CW 187.66

    % Gain 1%

    Week 2

    SW 187.66
    CW 185.02

    % lost 1.4% :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    I am starting a biggest loser style contest, if anyone is interested in joining!! It will be lots of fun and motivating.
  • loveskinny27
    loveskinny27 Posts: 94 Member
    your all doing fab keep upi the good work :-)