New and needing accountability

momovich Posts: 4 Member
Hey. I've been hypothyroid for 26 years. I'm tired of using a specific medication, "diet", or doctor's program to lose weight (on which I have had some success, but still....). I want it to be a LIFESTYLE and not something that I "use" or "go on" and "go off". I am over 200 lbs, but tall, so people tell me I look great (oh, yeah, except for this huge protrusion under my boobs, people). I work out regularly and eat mostly low-carb, almost paleo. My biggest struggle is when I am out, either at someone's home or at a restaurant, or a social event, and there are large quantities of refined carbs available. Though I have gone the Weight Watchers route, and like the accountability, I don't want to have to join a program. I think what I need is a buddy that I can count on to hold me accountable (my husband like's to give me treats too often, and take me out to eat). Anybody want a buddy?


  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    I can use all the buddies I can get. lol
  • dkschrader
    dkschrader Posts: 32 Member
    any and all buddies are great!!! friend me if you wish.
    one thing here is we try and help each other.
    YOu have crossed the first line to beginning the rest of your life,,,, you are determined to do is a life style or it just doesn't work!
    What has worked for me other than working out is eating 5 small meals a day, each with protein. ONce my trainer suggested that, it was like wow,,, all the "empty" calories I was consuming in a day was crazy. And I didnt' think I was eating that badly. Just some bad choices here and there.

    good luck in your journey, we are one in the same!!!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Would love to connect - feel free to friend me.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    I can use all the buddies I can get. lol

    Same here. You can add me if you like. :smile: