low carb not helpful for thyroid probs?

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
I'm confused.. I just read on internet that Low carb reduces the amount of T4 thats converted to T3 as T4's need carbs to do their fat burning work? I have spent about a year been low carb gluten free cos I heard people with thyroid probs can have difficulty processing wheat. I drop loads of weight initially but this no longer seems to be working as I guess my body is used to it. so I'm thinking of coming of low carb but staying gluten free.

I also heard gugglusterone is helpful for converting T4 to T3 and helping fat burning mechanisms in the liver work.

Anyone else heard about this? I found this info on a body building forum where people who don't have thyroid problems were taking T4 and T3 as part of their 'cutting' routine


  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    It sounds the opposite of people with thyroid issues. I guess that's because they don't have the thryroid problem that needs the t4 & t3.... that's my guess. Everywhere else contradicts that info.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Everything that I've read and the recommendation of my wife's naturopath is to eat as low carb as possible and stick to it for life.

    Many things that are encountered in "normal" eating really can mess with thyroid levels as well as other hormones to include:


    Stay low carb or Paleo/Primal and eat whole unprocessed food and you'll be better off from what I can tell.