How to get enough protein???

ELeiser Posts: 15 Member
I've read the stickys, adjusted my numbers per the Scooby site and checked the New Lifting Rules for Women out of the library. According to the numbers I should be getting 151g of protein a day. I've always had a problem with getting enough. Enough so that I was using protein powder when I was pregnant. Are there certain things that are better than others? I'm going to get some more powder so that I can makes shakes for after a workout. Should I drink one after every workout or just lifting???

Thanks for the help!


  • I rarely have a problem hitting my protein macro. I attribute this mainly to protein shakes (since I generally start and end my day with one), raw almonds (protein and healthy fat the same time) and whatever lean meat I have for dinner. The easiest way to stay on track is simply to divide the protein into 6 meals and make sure you hit that number each meal. For you that would mean 25-26g per meal. I think if you just make a list of good for you proteins and make sure you eat those things consistantly each week you should be able to stay on track.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I drink a protein shake every day or if I'm out and can't make a shake, I'll eat a protein bar.

    Here are some good protein ideas:

    nuts and nut butters
    fish and seafood (excellent source of protein)
    lean red meat
    chicken, pork and turkey
    greek yogurt (I usually eat the Fage brand and an 8 oz serving as 23 grams!)
    low-fat cheese
    cottage cheese (great source of protein!)

    You can also add protein powder to your oatmeal and other foods.
  • ELeiser
    ELeiser Posts: 15 Member
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    I struggle too sometimes. I find myself getting a lot of mine from low fat dairies. Low fat cheese, semi skimmed milk, low fat yogurt. Added bonus is I once saw a show where they did an experiment and concluded high dairy diet can help prevent the body absorbing fat. If this is accurate it can only be a bonus. :-)