What has worked for you?

MrsTattie Posts: 79 Member
I posted this on another group, but I thought I would also share it here. I lost about a stone and a half in the spring and here are the things which worked for me, I am not saying they will work for everyone.... (you may even say they didn't really work as I managed to put on a few lbs over the summer - but I am back on track, now, I hope - and even by saying that I gained, means I am keeping to these ideas....errr I think!) A couple of mind tricks here.....

1. Don't imagine an event....that will happen if you loose/stay the same or even gain weight - imagine yourself looking at the pictures of, say, Christmas with a friend. How do you feel? You haven't seen this friend for a while (perhaps around now) and you are getting so many compliments on how you look! The friend asks you how you did it....you say you had ups and downs and made choices each day, fell off the wagon a few times, but picked yourself back up and reminded yourself why you started (insert your personal reason). THE PICTURES LOOK GREAT AND YOU ARE SO PROUD OF YOURSELF!!! But if they don't - how will you feel? The lasting memory will be that feeling, not of the event!

2. Eat your main meal from a smaller plate. I was very wary of this when I started...but IT WORKS! This does not mean pile it high - but have the same proportions of whatever it is, meat, veg, cheese sauce, whatever! You will cut around a third of the calories! It is hard the first couple of times - but get up, walk around, have a glass of water. Your brain needs 10-15 mins to know it is full!

3. Eat everything in moderation (chocolate, wine etc) if you have a list of "forbidden things" you will just crave them and then have a binge and feel guilty.

4. Exercise is key! Yes, I believe you can loose weight just by dieting, but this does not tone up. Find something you enjoy, then enjoy it often!

5. I think you all already know this as you are already doing something about it as you have made the commitment by being on here, but don't lie. I used to say, for example, I was "around 11 and a half stone" when in reality I was nearer 12. This was to myself and friends. I would then get annoyed when I went on the scale and it would say under 12 but I would want and expect it to be under 11-7! I perhaps had lost, but I didn't know, as I had already under estimated my weight!

6. Think Long term. It will NOT come off at a rate of 3lbs a week and even 2lbs a week is hard to sustain in the long term, Yes, you will have the occasional week where you DO loose this - but you will also have weeks where you loose 0.5 lbs or even gain with no real reason!

7. Do not compare yourself to anyone - even someone who is the same height and build can have hugely different bone density which obviously affects weight. Compare yourself to a different YOU!

8. Have fun - and rules are made to be broken!

I do not claim to be an expert - I just thought I share some things which worked for me! Please let me know what works for you!
Good lick, folks - we can do this! :happy:


  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Great tips, thanks!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    love this post!

    One of things that worked for me was actually visualising myself at 13 stone. I was 15 stone and wanted to be 12 but that was huge so everytime I exercised or got stuck I visualised how I would look feel and what others would say. Totally worked.

    Thanks for a great post!:smile: