Important stuff will go here one day.
stone by xmas
just joined :) stone by xmas hopefully
Monday 24 Dec 2012 - Final weigh in day + result
Merry Christmas all, some of us have made it to the end, and some unfortunately did not, hope we see them back in New Year Here is my final figure 188.6 lbs [13 st 6.6 lbs] which I shall call 13 & half stone to anyone who notices the new slimmer me this Christmas At the start of this group, on 27 Aug weigh in I was 233.6…
January challenge?
Now our group has come to an end, I thought some of you might be interested in a walking, running or cycling challenge. I've been a member of this group for about 3 months, it really keeps you motivated... This months walking or running…
Monday 17 Dec 2012 weigh in
Down a bit more, 190.4 for me this week, was 192 last week, so 1.6 gone Next Monday is our last, best of luck to all
Where's the graph?
Am I missing it, or is it not up? x
Monday December 10th Weigh In
Hi all, slight recovery for me this week though still not rid of all my gain. Weighing in at 146.8lbs :happy:
Monday December 3rd weigh in
It's December!!!!! CW - 168lbs (12 st). 2lbs lost since last week's weigh in. For those of you not on my friends list, I have decided to change my goal to maintenance for December. It is a stupidly busy month (I have 3 children of my own and am a nursery teacher) so I think this is more realistic. I have also started…
Monday 26th Graph
If I could give prizes to most dedicated it would be to you helyg! This is this weeks graph, and on a Monday, I'm getting better huh?!?! I am sorry that I became really crap at this, I don't think I realised how hard it would be to keep on top of this, start a new job and do my degree. I'm not giving a sob story just an…
This group is in no way condoning rapid weight loss and will not celebrate mass weight loss from starving oneself and doing it in a unhealthy way.
Monday 26th November weigh in
No change for me this week, still 170lbs. Which is a little bit disappointing as I really wanted to reach 168lbs (12 stone) by December, but never mind. Hope everyone else will record a loss this week!