This Has Stopped My Binges - will you do it with me?



  • positivepineapple
    positivepineapple Posts: 87 Member
    I am so doing this thank you very much
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Such a good idea!!
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
  • metalvegan
    metalvegan Posts: 133 Member
    I love this! And seeing as today is Dec 1st I feel like it's the perfect day to start!!
  • krystal_black
    Hi! I just joined my fitness pal and love the community support. Your stories are all so inspiring - thank you!

    I struggled with BED and emotional eating for years (at least 10). Over the last 3 years or so I really changed my habits and have noticed drastic changes with my weight and my life. It takes so commitment but this exercise helps SO much. Would any of you all like to join me? I try to do this every day, and when I was consistent it changed my life!! It give me peace, comfort, control, and inspiration over food and life!

    I notice one of the most important things with breaking through binge eating is interrupting the pattern and this really helps!!


    1) Get a 3 Subject Note Book

    2) First Section: Vision Board - take the first few pages and cut out inspiring words and images from magazine, off line etc - things you want for your life, then paste them in your journal!! It doesn't need to to be pics of super fit girls or about weight loss, , sometimes that makes people binge worse, think more along the lines of a happy girl eating healthy - think places you want to go, inspiring poems, things you want for yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - the only rule is is has to make you feel good when you look at it! It can't make you feel bad or inferior or it isn't going to help - collect things overtime for your journal - it will be like your arsenal of positivity :)

    3) Second Section: Mind Dump - Any time you feel a binge coming on write about it, what caused it? how do you feel? why do you feel that way? then just write - write it out as if you have to get every last thought out of your head - awareness is the first key to stopping a binge

    4) Third Section: Affirmations and gratitude. Before you binge commit to write out 10 things you are thankful for and 10 things you love about yourself or want for yourself. the key with affirmations and gratitude is to say it like you have it.
    Don't say "I want to eat healthy and not think about food all the time"
    Say: Thank you for giving me the ability to want to eat healthy and love nourishing food.
    "I am strong and have power power over my food choices:

    The affirmations don't always have to be about food. It could simply be "I love my life!"
    You want to truly make yourself believe what you are saying - this reprograms the mind

    5) Ok so these are the steps... If you feel a binge, commit to your journal first.... Mind Dump, then write out the gratitude and affirmations, then look at all the feel good things in the front of your journal as if you're actually there! Really empower yourself!

    Most times, just interrupting the binge pattern and writing about it in the mind dump alone is going to stop the urge. If for some reason you end up bingeing, thats ok! It's going to happen every now and then, but remember - awareness is key - so, when you are bingeing think "I am bingeing" and write about the experience after - how you feel etc

    Being a detective to your own thoughts, patterns, and habits are critical to beating binge eating!! and then replacing the negative patterns with something positive like the journal really helps.

    I know this seems like a lot of work but its easy once you build the habit and will help you stop binge eating, lose weight, and keep it off.

    Good luck - please let me know how it goes! I've been slacking on my journal but I am starting a new one this weekend! Who is with me?? Together we can do this!!!

    Love, Brittany

  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    Yep, I'm going to try this too!
  • mimiwin
    mimiwin Posts: 42 Member
    yes will try too :)