8/27/2012 Weight In

Well I'm back from vacation. Long walks did not do much good.
weighting in today at 231.0


  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    No weight change to report but my cloths are getting loose and I can feel a positive difference in my self!
  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    Down three pounds to 200! Finally the scale is moving. I have been working my butt off to get under 200. I am going to be there next weigh in!!!
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    Lost six pounds this week!!


    That makes me feel better after gaining 3 last week.
  • daizzi
    daizzi Posts: 36 Member
    I gained 1.6 pounds. I had a stressful week and I didn't always make the best food choices. The good in that is I journaled everyday even when I was going over. So I take that as a NSV this week! Good job to everybody that lost or stayed the same!
  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know about all of you... but I always seem to lose weight on the tuesday after weigh in...lol And I try to be good. Sunday is my have something day.I need to make it on a tuesday
  • Browneyedgirl: WooHoo way to go, rooting for your next week weight in,
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Lost six pounds this week!!


    That makes me feel better after gaining 3 last week.

    GREAT!!!!! Feels good huh?:flowerforyou:
  • I gained 1.6 pounds. I had a stressful week and I didn't always make the best food choices. The good in that is I journaled everyday even when I was going over. So I take that as a NSV this week! Good job to everybody that lost or stayed the same!

    Stress always gets me down, I know how you feel. And good for you, recording everything even though you were over.:happy:
  • pmazzotta4
    pmazzotta4 Posts: 21 Member
    I lost 1.2 lbs.
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    Lost six pounds this week!!


    That makes me feel better after gaining 3 last week.

    GREAT!!!!! Feels good huh?:flowerforyou:

    Yes, yes it does!! Still can't believe it. That's the most I have ever lost in a week.

    My WW meeting is closed next week for Labor Day so I may or may not weigh in next week. I am going to check the schedule and see if I can weigh in another day, but there are only a couple of people that know how to weigh me in on the wheelchair scale with subtracting my chair weight. No need to be adding 38 extra pounds to my total. LOL! Have had a couple of people do that and just screws up my points.