What do I do, please help me?

Well I just finished Month 1 of P90X/Insanity Hybrid on Saturday. and needless to say I am beyond frustrated. I upped my calories from 1400 to 1700 after doing Insanity prior to this Hybrid because the scale wasn't moving. With Insanity I lost 18" and a couple lbs. Now with the Hybrid month 1 I have gained 1.4 lbs back (now once again sitting at 155) after I dropped to 150.4 a couple weeks ago. very disappointed!! and have added 8 1\2" back on as well. Not sure this is the motivation I needed for Month 2. I am not strict on my diet because I wanna enjoy life while I am here, but I take the junk in moderation and workout 6 days a week. I don't know what else to do, this ain't working! Do I lower my calories back down or up them more? my height is 5'6", weight today is 155 lbs, age 31, and i work out extremely hard 6 days a week, with Sunday as a rest day! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi there, I'm sorry you're getting an increase in weight and size :(

    Have you run your numbers through the calculator here :-


    I don't know how long the workouts are that you are doing but even assuming that you fall in to the 3-5 hours a week activity level your BMR would be 2306 and 15% CUT would be 1960. So you'd need to eat 1960 calories every day. Of course if you do the next activity level up.....the calories go up ;)

    I've plugged your height in as 166"...I think that's your height in inches.

    To answer your question I think you should increase your calories. I'm 5' 4", 42, 131 lbs and my cut (3-5 hours) is 1750.
  • sneckerdoodle
    sneckerdoodle Posts: 69 Member
    thank you for the reply back, my workouts range from 45-60 min. a day and i have been walking 2 miles in the morning which adds another 30-40 min to my workout. my tdee is 2566 and my bmr is 1487. so if take 15% from 2566 that would have me eating 2181 calories. So do I need to net 2181 calories after excercise?
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    No, just eat the 2181 calories. That already includes your exercise. Only worry about net if you drop below your BMR.

    And try to think of this as long term, rather than changes in one month. Also, ignore the scale especially when doing NROL.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Can't edit my post but ooops that should say 'TDEE 2306'. Sorry about that!
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I agree you need to up your calories. Right now you are likely netting below your BMR which is why your body is holding on to anything you give it. With P90x or insanity you are easily burning 600+ calories an hour, plus your walk... if you eat 1700, you are most likely netting less than 1000. Your body won't give you anything back if you keep that up :)
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    I agree you need to up your calories. Right now you are likely netting below your BMR which is why your body is holding on to anything you give it. With P90x or insanity you are easily burning 600+ calories an hour, plus your walk... if you eat 1700, you are most likely netting less than 1000. Your body won't give you anything back if you keep that up :)

    Perfectly said. Agree with everyone here... I know it's an odd idea, that you need to increase calories even more, but it definitely works - and it's much more fun!!

    Also - don't forget to measure/take photos - the scale ALWAYS lies. :)