Intense sugar cravings

bashiera Posts: 140 Member
So, I've recomitted to eating primal, and I seem to be like a werewolf when it comes to eating right. I do fine from sun up to sundown, but once the moonlight hits me (or it's dark and I'm relaxing in bed) the sugar cravings hit me and I turn into this carb/grain craving monster. I almost always give in and have a PBJ or a bowl of ice cream, and it's really frustrating me. I know I need to have willpower but I feel like I'm going crazy once I start craving it. I live with my grandparents and brothers, so throwing away bread and sweets isn't an option since they pay for food and like to eat it. I try to keep it hidden from my view though, but arugh! Any tips or advice on how to get through this madness in the beginning?


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You have to go a number of days without giving in for the cravings to finally stop. If you don't do that, the cravings will NOT stop. Imo, if you have to pig out for a few days, then pig out, but on primal foods (low carb is important for me to fend off cravings and binging).

    One thing about paleo/primal/low carb for people dealing with food addictions/craving/binging etc adherence must be total, at least in the beginning, until your body can adjust.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    You have to go a number of days without giving in for the cravings to finally stop. If you don't do that, the cravings will NOT stop. Imo, if you have to pig out for a few days, then pig out, but on primal foods (low carb is important for me to fend off cravings and binging).

    One thing about paleo/primal/low carb for people dealing with food addictions/craving/binging etc adherence must be total, at least in the beginning, until your body can adjust.

    I agree. I can't see your diary, but make sure you are getting plenty of fats (animal fats, coconut oil, and the like) and sodium (your body will flush out excess water and with it your electrolytes) until your body adjusts. Pork rinds/cracklins and bacon have gotten me through many times!! This link explains it:

    Also, if you're fine during the day but get cravings at night, you may want to look into a leptin reset as I believe this is one of the signs of leptin resistance. I wouldn't necessarily be so strict on the 50g of protein at breakfast that it calls for, as it was too much for me.
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    If it is at night perhaps you are tired? I sometimes stop and think to myself when I crave sugar: Am I hungry, or tired? Usually I am tired.

    Then get ready for bed, make a yummy cup of tea, get a good book, and read until you fall asleep!
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    We're currently treating this with a bowl of cut fruit at bedtime. Might not be the best, but it's a delicious dessert and we just snack on whatever fruit is lying around while we watch TV and chill out.

    You could also grab a scoop of almond butter-- that usually helps my cravings, because it sits heavy and sticks to my mouth (which makes me brush my teeth, which makes me not want food). I actually have heard it recommended at my former Weight Watchers meetings to brush your teeth immediately after your evening meal, not just to clean them, but also to make you less inclined to snack (since NOTHING tastes good post-toothpaste).
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    My diet is pretty high in fat, but I'd like it to be more. Right now I sit pretty at 20% carbs (so 98 grams, I rarely ever hit 90 unless I go fruit crazy that day.) 30% protein, and 50% fat, most of which is from meat, butter, avocados, nuts, and the occasional splash of olive oil on a salad. I've also started using whole milk greek yogurt in my smoothies for more fat, and eating more fresh eggs from our hens. And I think it probably is when I'm tired because it's always a late night thing and the idea of chocolate or pizza pops up but goes away once I sleep it off. I'll look into the leptin reset as well! I'll try some fruit and tea before bed too! I've actually been looking into different flavoured teas like chocolate and strawberry, they sound divine. Thanks for the help and the link! I definitely need to pick up some coconut milk/coconut oil next trip to the grocery though since I'm running out of things to put butter on, haha.
  • TheYoungRetiree
    TheYoungRetiree Posts: 84 Member
    I made these paleo "candy bars", but I made them in bite size. One bite of them and I am done! They might do the trick for you without being so sugary! They helped the first few days when I wanted sweets instead of nothing!
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    These are my go to when I'm really, crazy craving sugar: The fat definitely helps, the mint and chocolate give me a sense of it being a real treat. They have other recipes for coconut butter truffles if you're not a fan of peppermint.

    My other favorite sweet treat is fruit, coconut oil, chopped nuts and coconut flakes with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    I'm a year in now, and those cravings come far less often than they used to.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Dates! That's another thing I love for sugar cravings. Almost forgot those :) I get sick of them pretty quickly, so they work well for a quick sweet treat.