


  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I walk/run/spin/aqua regularly, and go to the gym, enjoy boxing and freeweights there.

    Hoping to get a bike in the new year and enjoy a bit of cycling :-)
  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
    I think the idea of burning an x number of calories for the week is another great challenge! :)

    I also like the suggestion of challenging ourselves to get in a certain number of veggies each day. Something I know I need to do more of.

    With this challenge happening through the holidays, perhaps we can exchange healthier snacks/appetizers, desserts, or meals we can make for parties.
  • herbalkitty
    herbalkitty Posts: 185 Member
    I love walking, try to get as much in as possible which is a little difficult til my daughter goes back to school lol (don't know how to do squats, lunges or anything others have mentioned :huh: ) and I go to the gym 2 -3 times a week and have just ordered a couple workout dvds for when the weather is not co-operative :laugh:
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Eliptical and circuit training, Pilates.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I walk on the beach with my dog, or along the beachfront during lunch (dog can't come to work). I also have a Penguin Waddle in October that will give me over 30km in 4 days, and we are doing the short route!!
    I have an exercise bike at home and need to start using it more and then I can get back onto the real bike!
    I am starting fencing soon!! Super excited as they are finally starting a club in my city.
    Otherwise I move around lots at work, stairs and the complex is on the hill so lots of inclines... Then I occasionally get to spend half an hour with my favorite little boy. He is a 12kg python who comes out for interaction with the visitors on special days, which we have lots more of in summer, which is nearly here!!!!
    Oh, and my favorite is to swim. I will be moving back to the sea in September some time, as soon as it warms up enough. The bonus of using the pool at gym, is I know how far I swim, but the sea is just so much more awesome to swim in!! I want to try a few races this summer as well...
  • tessiscruisen
    tessiscruisen Posts: 84 Member
    I prefer walking as my main exercise (I have weak ankles and can not run), I also do many exercises at home on my exercise ball, and using hand weights, as well as a few workout DVD's. I'm up for almost anything but do not have access to a gym right now - if I did, eliptical would be my exercise of choice.
  • gbers13
    gbers13 Posts: 11
    Mostly running, walking, swimming; anything really that doesn't involve my hands, I have early onset symptoms of RA.
  • bthomas1988
    I like biking, walking, and eliptical.
  • spof208
    spof208 Posts: 2
    Nice! A girl after my own heart!
  • essencemccallny
    I love to dance. Been dancing Latin dance for years. It's fun and great cardio...that's probably why I don't consider it working out.
  • spof208
    spof208 Posts: 2
    I think it's important we all try at least one thing we have never tried before...This will add diversity to our routines, and help us find things we like to do that we never would have done before. I NEVER thought I would be able to make it through a spinning class, but I tried it to vary my workout, and now it's easily one of my favorite fitness challenges. Also, this is something you can do anywhere, anytime if you have a bike. I just throw my kids in the bike-trailer and go for a spin when we need a tension release around the house. Anyway, let's not limit ourselves. Even if we have a challenge, but not a gym membership, maybe we can splurge and find a class that teaches that challenge - just to meet the challenge/goal.
  • krizzo1120
    I love the elliptical, weight training, and yoga, but I am up for anything!
  • osufootball88
    osufootball88 Posts: 7 Member
    Running, Fitness DVD's, Aerobics
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    I love TAEBO, workout DVD's and walking. I have no special equipment at home other than two 5 pound dumb bells for strength training and I don't have a membership to a gym :)
  • cjremus
    cjremus Posts: 7
    I'm usually on the elliptical, sometimes the stationary bike, but I also like walks, too, especially when I'm trying to fit in some extra exercise on days I don't make it to the gym.
  • fastfoodaddict
    I enjoy things that are easy to do without spending a lot of money. I don't have a gym membership, home equipment, exercise mats or counters... But I have my body! I like to bicycle, walk on the beach, etc.
  • charlies21
    Zumba has to be my favourite exercise. Such good fun and good music. I love it.x
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I enjoy Zumba alot . Right now i am going to start exercising using my walking tapes and just dance for the wii ! I have not exercised in a while i had surgery done and can start exercising again !
  • karagetsfit
    I lift, do cardio, and go to crossfit once a week.
  • pglaf
    pglaf Posts: 257 Member
    It's interesting to see what people are doing.
    I love my Step classes at the gym, they are my favorite.

    Maybe a good challenge would be to add something to new to what you are doing now.
    Either trying something new or adding more reps or higher intensity or something like that - just an idea :)