
I recently heard an ad about Amberen and after reading up a little on it, it appears that it may help with weight loss as well as some other symptoms commonly associated with menopause. The only thing is,it's SOOOO expensive.

Have any of you ladies given this supplement a try? And if so, how did it work out for you?


  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Here are some highlights I found when I researched each ingredient separately.

    - it certainly won't hurt you
    - but it does contain MSG, which is weird because many people have adverse side effects to msg
    - magnesium, zinc and calcium are known to be beneficial in the treatment of hormonal issues
    - ammonium succinate is found in pesticides.
    - Glycine is a protein used to help in treatment of schizophrenia. (that made me laugh for some reason)
    - tocopherol acetate is simply vitamin E. Not sure why they just can't say Vitamin E
    - the colorings and fillers are natural, per se, but processed.

    my own personal, scientist (geek) opinion is that the combination of all of this would cause someone to feel better, resulting in the person getting out more, possibly exercising more, thus causing a reduction in weight. The ingredients themselves, nor the combination of, would not cause the weight loss.

    It is a little discerning that all studies but one were conducted on animals, so I don't think they really know the products true affect on women's symptoms. The human study was a tad small (70), and there are no long term results yet.

    Lastly, if it makes you, or anyone else feel better, then, IT WORKS!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    If the poster above's remarks are accurate,
    all those vitamins can be bought very inexpensively,
    so why pay 10x as much to get same vitamins in an expensive bottle??

    btw, if someone wants a nice lil rush of energy, many ppl find the B vitamins can provide that. Unfortunately, overtime, you adapt and no longer get the lil buzz anymore.
    but, on bright side, B vitamins are WATER soluble, so they can not build up and become toxic, the way that fat-soluble vitamins like E, A, D and K can.

    but, there is NOTHING more powerful than your mind.
    If you THINK it works,
    it can work for you.
    This is called the placebo effect, and it IS one of the most powerful things.

    However, many ppl say,
    to lose weight and NOT gain it back,
    one has to find a pattern that you can do FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
    An entire "-re-education" of your brain and stomach, developing new habits and eating patterns,
    not a gimmicky thing.
    a gimmicky thing might get the weight off,
    but, it comes right back,:sad: cuz no new habit was ever learned or established.

    if you can NOT afford to pay 10x as much for vitamin E and some calcium,
    just go get the regular bottle of vitamins.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    I have to agree with the above conclusions. You can get Cal/Mag/Zinc supplements for a few dollars at any drug store. Try that first.

    Any marketed "supplement" should definitely be looked at skeptically. I can easily obtain all the Cal/Mag/Zinc I need from foods. You just need to pay attention to fresh vegetables, lowfat dairy, lean meats and healthy fats such as nuts and avocado and coconut or olive oil.

    Ta Da. Saved ya $40.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I take a cal+mag+d+ zinc and a magnesium supplement, and a D.
    All of those together probably costs a fraction of that.

    Try that first?