Anyone else tried writing their own book?



  • SyllyReth
    SyllyReth Posts: 59 Member
    I participate in NaNo every year and then work on Camp NaNo on the "off months" when it is offered. I have a 320 page novel finished and in the editing process and will be starting on the second novel in the series on April 1 for Camp NaNo. It gives me a little extra motivation to write when I have a set goal.
  • juniper68
    juniper68 Posts: 93 Member
    I started a book four years ago, and in June it will be published! I never thought that was possible, and you won't know unless you try.

    I want to add another vote for nanowrimo - I did my first one in 2014 and I wrote a whole novel! Still working on editing, but it was awesome to know it was possible to produce that many words.

    (However, a lot of writing is a good way to pack on pounds - lots of snacking and not much moving were happening. I heard the author of Room interviewed one time and she works at a treadmill desk...)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    I started writing a book as part of NaNoWriMo 2013, didn't make the 50k goal that month but I kept on writing through the next year, finishing it as part of NaNo 2014. I've been working on editing and getting beta readers, then made arrangements with an online self-publishing site which printed my work out into an actual book I can hold. A couple more edits needed before I make it available for the public to buy, but the thrill I felt when I held in my hands an actual novel with MY NAME on the cover was beyond words, especially when I slipped it onto my bookshelf between my two favorite authors.

    Wonder if it would be bad form to post here a link to my book when it's ready to distribute in a couple weeks...
  • juniper68
    juniper68 Posts: 93 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    I started writing a book as part of NaNoWriMo 2013, didn't make the 50k goal that month but I kept on writing through the next year, finishing it as part of NaNo 2014. I've been working on editing and getting beta readers, then made arrangements with an online self-publishing site which printed my work out into an actual book I can hold. A couple more edits needed before I make it available for the public to buy, but the thrill I felt when I held in my hands an actual novel with MY NAME on the cover was beyond words, especially when I slipped it onto my bookshelf between my two favorite authors.

    Wonder if it would be bad form to post here a link to my book when it's ready to distribute in a couple weeks...

    Go for it! Reading - and learning about new books - is what this group is all about, right? I for one would like to see it.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    wherever you live look for a writer's group..and go. or read up on starting one. the biggest issue with most groups is everyone is too excited to hear about grammar and spelling mistakes, and get their feelings hurt in any criticism. look for info on online groups too..our local one is~8 people who are very steady,been going weekly for years and many got published...hort stories to self published books, via the vendors , mentioned here, and the WILLINGNESS to listen to 7 others give you serious critique..seeing how others read your words is a must. we are never as clear as we think.

    I love to write "slice of life"… for me it is an event, a bad experience in the deli, or watching an odd guy at the DMV, my dog confused by a frog, whatever 'writing' interest you have. Just keeping a notepad, or using your desktop notes to write down something you read,heard, an idea to explore. doesn't have to be complete, just an idea, you will lose it if you don't keep track.

    In our group one older guy write 40's sleuth type mysteries, one lady writes books for kids, another poems for kids, one a sic fi short story writer, another is Mormon and writes about a boy on a quest, we are all totally different.