
DiCE12 Posts: 13 Member
Gliding into primal lifestyle with a bit of IF.. after stagnation for ages! I finally lost 2lbs last week! :)

My diary is open, I am terrible at tracking on the weekends, but I am generally good! Just looking for support from like-minded people & advice..

Been a bit scared to post on forums but this group seems safe! ;)


  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    hey there, I'm actually pretty new to this myself but nerdfitness.com has been an incredibly helpful site when it comes to simplifying all things paleo
    Any suggestions for good sources of recipes?
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    This is the only message group I will post in (or read).

    Everyone here is supportive and we "don't allow" negative energy ;)

    As always ask away or share your experiences. we are in this together because there is so much negativity or incorrect thinking about paleo/primal/LC/IF.
  • DiCE12
    DiCE12 Posts: 13 Member
    Not on a computer atm but when I can I'll post links.. I'm into strength training so I read nerd fitness too! :) I need to get fully primal, still coming to terms with fats & stuff but getting there!
  • DiCE12
    DiCE12 Posts: 13 Member
    Just a question & I think I know the answer.. should I up my calories on non fast days? I do sometimes struggle to reach my current, but maybe upping will convince me to use more fats?