Daily Check In: Wednesday 8/29

newcs Posts: 717 Member
Did day 25 today and seriously lacking in motivation. I know a few people have finished and I want to be able to finish this and move on! Could be a lack of sleep and work stress....here's hoping I get a burst of motivation soon :)


  • You have 5 days left!!!! How great!!!

    Keep going! Have you been taking measurements along the way? Did you do pictures? I wish I had done more.

    I was trying to start again, but this week has been insane. I'm going to start on Sat, with the full month stretched out before me, like a clean slate.

    I'm going to start a new keep accountable group for us.

    How are you feeling? What do you think of level 3? It was my favorite, and I'm going to treat is as my "reward" for getting through levels one and two.

    Have you given thought to what you'll do after day 30?
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Joined the new group :)

    I did take measurements at day 1 and day 15 but kind of wish I had done pictures and more frequent measurements. I didn't do it because I was afraid I'd obsess over progress or lack of progress but looking back, I wish I had.

    I like your idea of starting with a clean slate...I think it's a good mindset. My real incentive for finishing this is that I really want to do something different but I don't want to let myself give up on this. I think I'm someone who needs to rotate more exercises to prevent boredom. When I finish this, I get my heart rate monitor so that's my incentive too. Then I'm going to get new sneakers and join the gym my girlfriend goes to. I've been told there was a Jensen Ackles look-alike there...not that that had anything to do with my decision lol. She said she'll teach me to lift and coach me. She usually does pretty much 100% strength training and goes during the day while I'm at work so she agreed to come with me 1 or 2 nights a week and then I'll do a DVD from home and probably a Saturday or Sunday class at the gym. I'm thinking Ripped in 30 Monday/Wednesday/Friday, strength/lifting Tuesday, cardio Thursday and a class or more strength/lifting on Saturday. Then I'll have Sunday for rest.

    Edit: Forgot this...I think level 3 is better than level 2 but I miss the ease of level 1. I look back on how I felt (like I was dying) on day 1 and can't believe level 1 now seems easy to me. I'm glad there's less plank work and that I feel like the exercises actually target what they're supposed to. I hate the jumping lunge things though...I can't do it and keep my balance and line up my knees properly. My knees started hurting after I did it Monday so now I'm doing kind of in between Natalie & Anita. I bring my foot closer to the other one and then jump instead of jumping from the same stance as Natalie.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I suck because I have no idea what day I'm on. All I know is I'm on level 3 but I've had to skip days here and there.