Gaining and speculating about activity level...

Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
Any options on what my activity level should be? I am currently staying inbetween moderate and strenous and eat 2000 per day. Sometimes more if I have a high burn day. Below are my stats and routine. I never go below BMR. :)

SW: 174
CW: 143
GW: 135

BMR is 1435
TDEE @ strenous is 2476
-15% CUT 2104

Mon cardio am 30-45 min, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution PM, 30 min (total burn is around 700-750 calories for the day)
Tues : cardio am 30-45 min, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution PM, 30 min (total burn is around 700-750 calories for the day)
WED: active rest: I usually burn 250-300 calories walking in the morning
Thurs: cardio am 30-45 min, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution PM (total burn is around 700-750 calories for the day)
Fri: JMBR (30 min) and usually a 30 minute cardio session, total burn is about 500
Sat: Yoga, maybe cardio also. Burn is around 150-300
Sun: REST (rest includes chasing a two year old and possibly doing yard work. She is very active.

I work a desk job 32 hours per week, but when I am at home I rarely sit down. Quite the busy body actually. I have been at a plateau for abotu the last month or so, gaining and losing the same 1-3 pounds. I am thinking of eating at TDEE for a week or two to give my body a break. I also just started month three of Jillians program and it is REALLY intense. I KNOW I am building muscle.

Opinions pretty please!!


  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    IMO...I think you should definitely keep it at strenous but at least eat your 15% CUT of 2104...
    At 2000 you are at a higher CUT of a little over 18%..With all of the working out & busy home life it sounds like you should eat more & YES eating at TDEE for a week or two sounds like a great idea....Also, you may want to take a break from exercise for a week sometime just to let your body have a FULL rest period to heal & repair itself. :happy:

    I ran your numbers on the scooby site and here is what I got for strenuous (5-7hrs/wk):

    20% CUT = 1980 which is closer to 2000 which is what you are set at per day - so I would DEFINITELY go up in calories and maybe even try for 10% especially if you are within 20lbs or below of being at your goal weight...This is just my opinion though. :smile:

    10% CUT = 2228

    I hope this helps you some.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks Autumn! I feel relieved that someone has confirmed that I can stay at strenuous, I really like it here, lol. I am going to go ahead and change my goal to TDEE for strenuous for the next week. It will nice to take the break honestly. Though I have to admit, not working out for a week scares the crap out of me. I have come to rely on physical activity in order to keep my sanity. hehe A sane momma is a happy one!!
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    Wow you workout a ton!! I agree though that you should try increasing calories. You are working out like a maniac :)