When Did The Scale Start Going Down? HELP!

First off...Hi!

Second, I would just like to get some feeback from those who have upped their calories. How long did it take before your body responded and the scale started to go down? I have been stuck at the exact same weight for more than a month and decided to try increasing my calories. I eat pretty clean and I strength train 3 to 4 times a week and do cardio 2 to 3 times a week. Thanks for the imput!!! This is a difficult transition and these last 20lbs are seriously NOT wanting to budge. My goal weight isnt even on the low end of the healthy BMI its actually on the high side. I just want to have a ballpark time frame so I don't freak out when it goes up before it goes down.



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Honestly, it varies person to person, case to case. A lot of factors come in to play.

    Were you eating a very low cal diet prior to beginning EMTLW?
    Were you eating below BMR?
    How much are you eating now?
    What is your TDEE and your Cut value?
    How long have you upped your cals for?
    Are your macros set to 40/30/30 and are you hitting them?

    For a lot of us, it has taken a few months to see any change on the scale, but inches have gone down quick. For others, we have been at a standstill while we reset our metabolisms for very low cal eating. Some had had great success right off the bat.
    It really does depend on your past dieting:)
    If you can shed a bit more light, then we can probably help you figure it out a bit more:)
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Honestly, it varies person to person, case to case. A lot of factors come in to play.

    Were you eating a very low cal diet prior to beginning EMTLW?
    Were you eating below BMR?
    How much are you eating now?
    What is your TDEE and your Cut value?
    How long have you upped your cals for?
    Are your macros set to 40/30/30 and are you hitting them?

    For a lot of us, it has taken a few months to see any change on the scale, but inches have gone down quick. For others, we have been at a standstill while we reset our metabolisms for very low cal eating. Some had had great success right off the bat.
    It really does depend on your past dieting:)
    If you can shed a bit more light, then we can probably help you figure it out a bit more:)

    My diary is open you are welcome to take a look and provide feedback :) Thanks!!!
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    When I started eating more, I first gained weight (went from 1200-1400 - exercise cal to around 1800). My body accepted the higher calories as new TDEE so a RESET was in order. I'm finishing up so we shall see how soon I'll notice change in weight. I wish I hadn't waisted time and started with reset right away.

    I looked at your diary (few days) and it looks like on your workout days, you could be hitting pretty close or below your BRM. I'm obviously assuming since I don't know your numbers.

    I ditto what Raynn1 said. Calculate your stats here http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ and go from there.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    It has taken a full month for my body to respond to eating more.

    Initially gained 3lbs, then the scale didn't budge for 2 weeks. This week those 3lbs have gone and I am back to my initial starting weight of 120lb. My NET has increased by 600 calories, so this is fantastic. I'm eating more than ever and my energy is ridiculous.
    I'd been on a plateau since June and felt horrible netting 800 cal a day. Now just waiting for that scale to move below 120 *crosses fingers*

    I admit to thinking that EMWL was a load of crap lol but now there is no way I'd get back on the 1200 cal hamster diet
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    With EM2WL it's not all about the scale, you have to remember that. Eating more means your muscles are getting more fuel, which means you may end up weighing more even though you'll be leaner.

    Much better to go with measurements & photos.