Trying To Stay Positive

So I may be in the minority of those who are venting. Weight loss doesn't seem to be my problem now. I'm trending down at a slow and steady rate. So that's not my issue.

I'm in cut - I believe I'm on week 6 of cut after reset. I've been doing well with my half marathon training mostly. July was rough because of the heat. The first part of the month went okay - could've been better with consistency - but I still got out there enough that I felt okay. My last long run was 9 miles - so close to the number of miles I need to be ready for my half marathon at the end of September. Last two weeks - nothing - zilch - nada. In June and July of this year I learned how to get out the door for 5:00am runs. I've never been a morning person, but finally with EM2WL I had energy. My earlier thyroid medication increases also seemed to get me to a point of being super functional - so functional in fact that in the three or four months I've gone from drinking a pot of coffee in the morning in order to function to fully functioning with no coffee. Now getting out of bed feels like it used to. It's like my body is made of lead. I'm struggling with falling asleep at night which is part of the issue, but even when I do fall asleep at a decent time I barely make it out of bed in time to get ready for my day.

Speaking of my day, I do have a lot of things going on. So it's not unreasonable that daily stress could be contributing to this, but those stressors have remained much the same. It is my ability to deal with them that has changed. So my current functioning is this - trouble waking up in the morning, lack of motivation, mood swings, low blood sugar at times, low energy, trouble falling asleep, muscle achiness, difficulty concentrating, clumsiness, brain fog, and low sex drive (sorry if TMI) to name a few.

I called my dr.'s office and they called in some bloodwork - can't do it until Saturday because of my schedule. Just hanging in there until then. I'm trying to stay positive in the meantime and not allow myself to fall into hypo hell - my definition of hypo hell being the time period that I experienced last year during which I was lethargic and depressed and put on 40 pounds in 3 1/2 months. I WON'T go back to that. The one positive that I'm hanging onto is that my weight is still trending slightly down despite everything else.

I'm just frustrated. I was feeling great several months ago. Is this going to be my life with hypothyroidism? I feel like someone has pulled the rug out from under me. Is this something that's going to happen to me several times a year and I just need to deal with it and get more tests done every time? I don't know what to think. I just know that this is not the state I want to be in physically. It feels awful.


  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    oh, man, that is such a frustrating place to be. I'm sorry that you are dealing with it. I don't have hypothyroidism so I don't know what you can expect, but I did deal with VLCD related depression and many of the symptoms are basically the same.

    While you are waiting for your blood work, have you taken a rest week recently? Like a week off from diet and exercise so that your body can 'heal'? It may help.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with all of this. I am happy to hear that you are going to the doctor to try to find out what is going.

    Not being a doctor myself and not having any experience in hypothyrioidism I can not offer any thoughts on if this is something to be expected from time to time.

    I know what it is like to have days where I am so tired and so worn down and have trouble functioning with the daily things. I had a day like that on Tuesday. I know how out of it, frustrated and depressed I felt during that one day. I can not even begin to imagine what it would be like if this continued on.

    I wish there was something I could say to make it better or to offer support to help you out. All I know to say is that I think you have made the best step -seeking out a doctor and tests. From your tests and visit with your doctor you should be able to find the answer so some of your questions. In the meantime please try to stay focused on eating smartly and exercising when you can.

    I think jyska made a good suggestion if you haven't done it lately -take an exercise break.

    Please keep us posted on what you find out about your tests.

  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I agree with jyska.. might be time for a diet break and rest week.. you are 6 weeks in.. its about time. At least with that, its one thing you wont have to worry about for a little while.

    Im sorry you are going through it. i hope once the bloodwork is done and you get a change in meds, things will vastly improve for you.
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I don't have thyroid issues, but I understand what you are saying about energy. I have never had energy my entire life and doctors have never come up with an answer. I am an insomniac and it takes me atleast an hour to fall asleep at night. I hate waking up and it takes me quite some time to get up and going in the mornings.

    A few weeks into EM2WL I started to gain energy and it kept building. I still had/have sleep issues, but I was more energized during the day. The last 2 weeks I have next to no energy and the thought of exercise.....I dread it.

    I hope that your blood work will reveal some answers.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement. Honestly I could probably use a diet break, but I haven't been motivated to log the past few days. I do know that I've been turning to chocolate constantly - it's dark chocolate, but still, I could be making better choices. The fatigue has gotten worse thanks to a cold that I now have on top of everything. So today I've added lightheadedness, shakiness, weakness, and major fatigue to the mix. I just want to go to sleep. My daycare day ends in two hours and fifty minutes. I can do this. As far as taking rest from working out, I pretty much have unintentionally the last two weeks. I haven't run at all. Not. Once. And my half is on the 23rd of September. *sigh* I'm supposed to run 10 miles tomorrow, but I also need to get bloodwork done. I will obviously run before doing the bloodwork, but the way I'm feeling today I don't know how I could possibly do 10 miles. I'll just have to see how I feel tomorrow.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Stay positive and don't let things spiral out of control or you might just feed the unsatisfaction with things that will lead to more negative feelings.

    Take a breath and ask yourself, what is important right now... is it running? Getting your eating back on track? Exercising? Spending time just relaxing? Find out what is going to make you happy now and take baby steps. If you are too tired to run, focus on something else to make yourself happy, take the kids for a walk or even just get out of the house when you can.

    I know you have medical issues, perhaps eating right and exercising as decreased the need for the dosage you are currently taking? Start logging your food, even if you eat 4,000 calories a day just so you remain in the habit of doing so. You'll find your inspiration again soon, right now focus on damage control :)

    Hugs to you and I hope you feel better soon. :)
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hmmm.....perhaps the early demise of my life with "TOM" may be helpful here......:wink:

    Not sure what your age is and I sure don't want to wish ANYTHNG else on you, but could you be going into menopause?:noway:

    I started Peri-menopause around age 35 and was completely "finished" at around age 41 or 42. I have in the past, and still do experience ALLof the symptoms you are describing.:yawn:

    Since you already have a hormone issue with your thyroid, maybe menopause is not out of the question.

    OR......since we're talking hormones here, could you be pregnant?:blushing:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I already took a pregnancy test. That wasn't it. I'm still nursing, so that was kind of a shot in the dark as I have yet to have my postpartum TOM. It took 17 months for that with my first and this little guy is 13 1/2 months, so it could be a few months yet for TOM to show up. I'm kind of wishing for it just so I can track things. Sorry, that's probably TMI for some! Anyways, I kind of doubt menopause as I'm 33. If it were that I'd want to kill people as I'm nowhere near done having kids if I have anything to say about it. :(
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Hey buddy, sounds like you are an all or nothing person like me. :) Really have learned a lot on this board (and from you) so I understand your frustration in not being able to run. I have acquired a runners hip injury (lucky me) since beginning of August which has slowed me down considerably from being able to log in all the long runs I did last year training for my first half. My race is next Sunday! I have had to change my time goal (under 3 hours) to just finish for this year. Had plans to get around 2:30 but training didn't work out so here I am. My point (after that long winded explanation) is that you can still finish the race. All you have to do is force yourself to take it in baby steps. A short walk with some running is better than nothing. Or even a long walk is going to do you wonders for your metabolism and mood. Also, do not beat yourself up if you have to drop out. Just sign up for another race next year! I am hypothyroid as well and have been for 8 years. It's awful but I just kept pushin through because I was not going to let my exercise go regardless of the reason. I just did whatever I could manage until my meds kicked in (a month and a half before the fog completely cleared). We had to start pretty high dosage and have worked my way to a maintenance pill every day. Keep doing the blood tests. I was changing dosages for 2 years before my values stabilized. In he meantime, try and keep your body moving. You will be very thankful you did when the haze is gone. Hugs to you...
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member

    I know you have medical issues, perhaps eating right and exercising as decreased the need for the dosage you are currently taking?

    Was just wondering the same thing.