Setting Weight Lifitng Goals?

Cross posted, but still needing advice...

I'm a recent convert from the "eat like a bird and do insane amounts of cardio" camp to "eat like a fully grown adult and lift some heavy things" camp. Mostly because I'd like to be less skinny-fat and more totally-buff.

I started working with a strength trainer (a certified kettlebell instructor and competitive powerlifter). We've been working through proper form on some of the basic lifts and I have some starting weights. (Still have a couple more sessions to learn a few more basics).

Here's the question: Based on my beginning weights, should I have a weight-lifting related goal? Not sure how to do this? As a percentage of my body weight?

I have a BF% goal, etc.

The Starting Weights:

Overhead press 45#
Bench press 55#
Deadlift 85#
Squat 65#
Bent-over Row 45#

(I'm 5 feet tall and approximately 120 pounds)


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Your goals are what ever you choose them to be. You will find certain body parts may gain strength faster than others. Is your focus strength? Or how your muscles look (hypertrophy). I'd say lift until you happy. lol.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I'd say everyone's goals are individual to them. Some people want to gain size, others strength, etc. It depends but regardless it's nice to have a clear-cut goal and something to work towards. Good luck.
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I personally don't have any specific lifting goals. My goal is to just continually increase what I'm lifting and building my muscles and not to allow myself to get comfortable with a specific weight for too long. If I'm not pushing myself past what's comfortable, I'm not growing or changing.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I was thinking about this too. Maybe you could look at your starting weights, double those, and set that as your goal.

    Or something like 100 pushups, or 10 un-assisted pullups.