WEEKLY calorie goal v. DAILY?

so I have a question....what if a person strives for a weekly goal in calories as opposed to a daily? for example, if my daily cut value is let's say 2150 but I want to eat more like 1900 Monday - Saturday and then on Sundays I splurge and go way over my 2150 wouldn't I technically still be ok as long as i didn't go more than 1500calories over my 2150? I'm getting the 1500 from 6 days of eating 250 UNDER my cut value. Does this make any sense? Wondering what the drawbacks to this would be for someone like me who only has about 10 pounds left to lose and is just trying to shed the last few inches. The reason I'm asking this is b/c I almost ALWAYS tend to go over on Sundays with church, family dinners, a glass of wine, etc. and in the past when I was doing VLCD I would always without question be super strict low Mon-Saturday with a "cheat" day on Sunday and successfully lost 70 pounds doing this. wondering if this is "bad"...if the same philosophy would work using my new EMTWL calorie guidelines? Thoughts? isn't it kinda basically like calorie zig zagging anyway? Need input! =)


  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I do it every week I save some for the weekend x
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    WW kind of has the same concept with their 49 weekly points - they are there to give leeway for life events. Use some daily for a few extra calories or save them for a special event during the week.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    You already mentioned what the downside might be and that would be returning to a "cheat day" (aka "diet") mentality.

    It sounds like you've got your calories and intake under control and have an excellent workout ethic~ do your thing on Sundays and relax and enjoy it!

    Again, BEWARE the return to Diet Mentality!