Stuffing my Face

bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
Well I have reading and gathering info on whether I needed to do a calorie reset after 8+ months of the scale holding and eating net 1550. My TDEE would be 2450 calories and TDEE-15% =2083. with EMTWL philosophy. This week I have decided to throw dieting out the window out of frustration but still tracking my food just for some accountability. For days I ate close to 2400 but man have I been stuffing my face. I mean cake, pizza, chips, nuts, cookies (take a look my diary is open). I never eat like this and I have been hungry all week long despite the intake. But I said to hell with it, each day the scale would bump up around a lb. But today to my surprise I stepped on the scale and not only did I NOT gain weight (despite eating pizza and chips-HOLY SALT) I actualy LOST 1LB

Hmmm, could this mean I actually need to eat more b/c I have been in starvation mode? (this is my sarcastic tone) I think so, so I will continue to stuff my face while I train for my 5K obstacele marathon in Oct and see what happens. I vow to eat when I am hungry, I promise to fuel my body while I am in training.

And my NSV for the week, my DH told my my *kitten* is getting firmer :happy:


  • I'm very happy that you have realized that you are in fact eating too little. You also may have been in 'cut phase' for too long where your body is reading whatever your intake is as maintanence. I went through that. If you can stomach eating 2400 cal and even eat more (despite where the calories come from) you probably don't need a full reset, but just a rest from cutting calories or a week or two or to eat TDEE - 15% all the time may do it.

    HOWEVER....eating pizza and chips and cookies is going you more of an injustice DESPITE what the scale says. You need food, but not that food. The scale can go down, but your Body Fat % could go up and make you arent losing anything at all. That's not the idea here so although a little splurge really is good for the mind sometimes...make sure you don't go overboard.

    Afterall, you do want to be fit AND healthy right? So put down the oreos, grab some almonds/yogurt and make it happen :)
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    Of course eating all this junk food is not sustainable and its a rare week when I make these kinds of food choices. I was just so shocked to see the scale move down. I will be back to my normal food consumption. I will just eat closer to my TDEE for a few weeks then do a cut.
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Your body has definitely been waiting to be fed. :) Keep fueling and get your lean meat and fruits and veggies back in to really kick up the results. If I had pizza, I'd blow up like a blowfish. ;P Lucky you!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Fantastic NSV, fantastic decision to up those cals!!!

    I remember the sheer joy of the hunger monster on week 1 of upped calories. It was like this creature had been pushed down inside me for years with VLCD and as soon as I started eating again, it came out screaming more more more and thrashed around wildly for a couple of weeks!! I felt so alive!! lol. Made me realise how much I'd almost been killing myself by starving myself for so long. What an awesome feeling, enjoy it :)