What would you do?

dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
Age: 37
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 167
TDEE: 2329
BMR: 1502

No weight loss in the last 8 months. Have tried (all for 2 months at a time) 1500, 1700, 1800 calories. Did a metabolism reset over the summer @2000 calories for 8 weeks. Gained 3 lbs. I thought maybe I could shock my system after the metabolism reset and dropped to 1300 calories lost those 3 lbs in 3 days and nothing since. This was almost 3 weeks ago.

Started lifting 3 days a week following New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women this week (next week I'll add cardio back in, too sore this week) and gained almost 1 lb.

Need to lose a minimum of 20 more pounds just to be in a healthy BMI range.



  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry, the strength training tends to put on a lb or two. Just keep at it, you`ll see changes in your body eventually. Oh yeah, and throw out your scale. People have spent months trying to convince me of this. It really does not show any gains in muscle. It`s a useless tool.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Would love to hear replies! I'm in the same boat (about 5-6 months now) and now matter how much or how little I eat, or how much I work out, I can't hit below 170lbs. I generally work out 5-6 days per week, 45-90 minutes each time doing cardio and weights. I took some focus off weights this week and done 80% cardio/20% weights (as far as time is concerned) and I'm even up 3lbs!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    What would I do? I'd eat more.

    You said your TDEE is 2329 and that you did a reset at 2000. Reset means eating at TDEE.....you were 329 below TDEE every day if you consistently ate 2000. So you didn't actually do a reset.

    Also, looking back through the past week of your diary, I saw the majority of the days were below your BMR of 1502. You want to always net at LEAST BMR, but it's even better to do a 10-20% cut from TDEE, which would be eating roughly between 1800-2000 every day.

    Lastly, try increasing your protein and lowering carbs. I struggle with that as well, but the protein will especially help with muscle soreness/recovery, since you mentioned being sore.

    Good luck!

    *edited due to typo
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I did a modified reset. I've bee heavy all my life and I was truly scared to eat that many calories. I didn't exercise as much as I should have so maybe over the summer my TDEE would have been lower due to less exercise. I went up and did a "reset" as high as I thought would not give me a coronary. I know I have issues.....part of the reason that I'm trying so hard to do this in a healthy and sustainable way!!!

    Anyone else. My calories to lose fat (-20%) should be 1863 and since I haven't lost barely anything in 8 months that scares me. I started eating 1800-1900 calories before my modified reset and I didn't lose a thing. I just want to lose some weight!!!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I thought i'd chime in here. I started NROL4W back at the end of February thinking I would lose those last 10 pds. I currently weigh 1 lb more than when I started, however, after doing the program for 6 months weight is no longer an issue and I LOVE my body.

    Give yourself more than 1 week of weight training, just keep eating enough protein and calories and in a few months.. you might love your body at the weight you are now even if you haven't lost weight.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    So what is enough calories?!?!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Try eating -15% of your TDEE, so 1979.
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    Try eating -15% of your TDEE, so 1979.

    ^^This. And everything JennWeighingLess said.

    Don't fret about a 1-pound weight gain after beginning weight training. As you'll see in many threads, when we stress our muscles through strength training they produce/hold more glycogen, which leads to more water retention. That's likely what your weight gain consists of.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    There isn't such a thing as a modified reset. You are either doing it or you aren't. You were eating at what should have been your cut level and then you said you dropped down to 1300 (significantly below your BMR) to "shock" your system". You shocked it all right! You shocked it into thinking it isn't getting enough food.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    There isn't such a thing as a modified reset. You are either doing it or you aren't. You were eating at what should have been your cut level and then you said you dropped down to 1300 (significantly below your BMR) to "shock" your system". You shocked it all right! You shocked it into thinking it isn't getting enough food.

    Unfortunately you didnt do a reset. Resetting is eating AT TDEE for a period of time. You ended up eating at Cut instead. If you really and truly want a reset, then you MUST eat at or above TDEE so your body knows you are feeding it right. You have to be willing to let go of hte initial gains that will come with it. Remember, this is not a quick fix. This is for life. Dont you want to take the time to reset now, so in 2 years, 5 years or even 20 years down the line, you NEVER have to worry about dieting and starving yourself again?

    Strength training is a biotch at times. Its a double edge sword. It can definitely make you leaner, smaller and healthier, but that number on the scale may not change the way you want it. You also have to be willing to let that go at times too. This is something Im still working on.

    Make sure you are eating your Macros... set them to 40% carbs 30% fat 30% protein. Work hard to hit these as you go. This can make or break your diary somedays..

    I know its frustrating as hell. We want to be smaller, and even when we are doing everyhing "right" things still dont happen the right way.. Have faith. Concentrate on fueling your body and giving it a fair shot at this. We are here if you need it:)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I've decided to up my calories to 1750 and use the extra calories to increase my fruit and veggie intake. I'll also be eating back my exercise calories.

    I will probably take measurements tomorrow morning (we did date night last night and want a little more detox from the yummy food) so that even if the scale doesn't move much I can see if the tape measure changes anything.

    As much as I would love to lose inches around my waist I don't know how much more I have to go there. I have A LOT of extra skin from being short torsoed (scoliosis has caused me to be about 2" shorter than I should have been...per my doctor) and giving birth to 2 -- 8lb8oz babies.....one was 21 3/8 inches long and the other was 20 inches long!!! My stomach muscles also never closed back up and are about 3" apart. I know that this can only be closed surgically and am actually exploring those options.

    I will keep doing what I'm doing, increase my calories and increase my fruits and veggies!!!