Struggling to lose

sapl31 Posts: 72 Member
I am 6 1/2 months out for WLS. I have lost weight faster than expected. I got to 150 and I just keeping bouncing from 150-152. I am starting feel hungry more often. I find myself craving carbs and junk again and eating some of it. I am afraid I might be eating too much, but my logs are always under 1200 calories a day. I know it seems silly to worry as I have lost 116 lbs already and only have 15 or 20 to go, but I am worrying that I will head back the other way again. The process has been pretty easy for me from a weight loss angle. I have had some bumps with ulcers and getting sick. I know I could exercise more, but I struggle with time, like everyone else. Guess I just needed to share and maybe hear someone say been there. Thanks.


  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    You have lost an astonishing amount of weight in 6'ish months. You're at a healthy weight now and close to an attainable goal. I am not a doctor and I shouldn't give advice, so I'll give as little as possible. As an 8 year out post-op, I eat 1200-1500 calories a day. I am sure I could eat a lot more than that if I ate the wrong things. Your body could be going into starvation mode and trying to hold onto those last pounds. Ideally, we are supposed to be able to eat 1200 calories a day by a year out (max.). Again, I have a different surgeon than you so my advice is what I was told.
  • pjmcinnis
    pjmcinnis Posts: 71 Member
    Relax! Your body will take some time to adjust to your weight loss and will plateau from time to time. I stalled out at 50 lbs down and since I have put some real effort into exercise things are moving again. I've been cycling, and, believe me in the beginning it was sad and difficult. I'm now up to a 100km a week and feeling great... and the weight is coming off again. (with exercise you can afford to eat a little more if you are really hungry)

    Keep your protein up. I keep some protein bars on hand for when I need a little somethin' somethin' to get me through. Keep logging, you don't have to show it to anybody else, but it keeps you honest with yourself. And try to find some healthy alternatives to conquer your cravings.

    You're doing great and everyday you get to start again, so don't let a bad food decision once in a while derail you completely. And if all else fails, make an appointment with your nutritionist... they always have great ideas and might be able to make some suggestions that will put you back on track.