Insanity and nutrition.

Since I started Month 2 of insanity and I've a really big problem! I burn tons of calories and I end up with Low net calories! Idk what to do. I eat alot and track every single bite but my calories aren't high enough cause I always burn 400-600 calories and some times 800. if any one could help me. I'd really be so thankful cause I don't want this low net calorie, please.


  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Eat more peanut butter, if you aren't already doing so. Heavy in calories, but lots of good fats.

    Eat a handful of almonds for a snack.

    Cook your food in olive oil if you aren't already doing so.

    Add an extra protein shake to your day for a healthy calorie boost without the extra full feeling from solid food.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Ha, I never have a problem eating more cals for some reason. But I love cheese. and sweets.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Eat more peanut butter, if you aren't already doing so. Heavy in calories, but lots of good fats.

    Eat a handful of almonds for a snack.

    Cook your food in olive oil if you aren't already doing so.

    Add an extra protein shake to your day for a healthy calorie boost without the extra full feeling from solid food.

    Good advice!

    and If you like fish..... I go crazy for tuna....Amazing protein in there and some calories.
    Or take a booster shake...More calories but not much fat.