What's your story!



  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    I started with YAYOG a couple months ago. Didn't stick with it thru the holiday season. I had the book from the library and have the app on my phone. It's so easy to fit it in anywhere, so not sure why I haven't stuck with it.

    I now have his new book, Body By You. Tonight was my first workout, after doing the evals earlier today.

    I'm letting my gym membership lapse this weekend. I don't have the time to commit to it any longer. The drive into town, the cost, the workout itself, that's a LOT of wasted time & money. If I can achieve the results that Mark claims are possible, then the price of e book is well worth it. I can get into a routine and continue my workouts when out of towns or at the lake during the summer. I also homeschool my 3 boys, so while fitness and health are important, they can't take up too much of my time during the day.

    Also hope Mark puts out a BBY app, for those of us following that book. For now, I printed off workout logs, and carry a kitchen timer (or use the phone's timer).
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member

    I joined the group today. I downloaded the app and will be starting the beginners program on Thursday. A friend on MFP suggested taking a look at YAYOG since the only access I have to strenght training equipment are the 5 machines at my apartment gym and they don't seem to do the trick.

    I haven't looked into much info about it but I didn't see any information on how many times you are to do the program each week. Any idea?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    The first 6 weeks are 4 workouts a week, the last 4 are 5 workouts a week but some are a little shorter. Overall, you get about 2.5 hours' worth of exercise a week if you warmup and cooldown some. If you have the app, it's already divided in weeks and days so just follow along with that and you should be fine! (Although if the DOMs get you during the first 2 weeks, don't be afraid to slow it down a bit).

    Hope that helps you! And welcome to the YAYOG group!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I'm doing the basic program, although I think my lower body needs something more challenging. I do both upper and lower body on the same day, because I'm trying to work this in with my yoga practice, and still get enough rest to progress.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Hello all!

    Not too new to YAYOG. Been doing it off and on. I started a blog last June (2012). Pretty much my story after losing almost 60 pounds.


    I love YAYOG and even though I've taken the last 6 months off from it (for no good reason), I'm am picking back up with the Master level tomorrow (blog has more info on that).

    There was a group for YAYOG that was started last year, but it looks like that group has desolved. Glad that someone created another! Thank you!

    I hope to be able to share some things I've learned along the way! Might be useful info in the blog too! WARNING: I'm a bit long winded at time (okay, okay.........most of the time).

  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn and I'm a 40 yo single mom in Texas.

    I realized as I've been getting closer to my goal weight that I needed to incorporate more resistance training in my workouts. I don't have access to a gym so I got the Body By You book and started using it at the beginning of April. I also got some resistance bands so I've been doing 2 bodyweight workouts per week from the book and one resistance band workout per week. So it takes me three weeks to do two weeks worth of exercises from the book.

    Until I joined MFP I had never done any regular exercise other than walking, and I started almost at the beginning with all the exercises. I'm finding that my biggest limitation are my joints. My joints fail me before I reach muscle failure. I have been incorporating squats into my workouts since January and after four months am finally able to do full squats with my thighs parallel to the ground without my knees hurting. It seems like slow progress, but it is progress nonetheless so I am happy. I'm sure I just need to be patient with my wrists and shoulders as well now that I'm asking them to do more work than they're used to!

    So far, the let-me-ins are what I dislike most. It's just really uncomfortable for my hands to be hanging on to a door handle like that!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn and I'm a 40 yo single mom in Texas.

    I realized as I've been getting closer to my goal weight that I needed to incorporate more resistance training in my workouts. I don't have access to a gym so I got the Body By You book and started using it at the beginning of April. I also got some resistance bands so I've been doing 2 bodyweight workouts per week from the book and one resistance band workout per week. So it takes me three weeks to do two weeks worth of exercises from the book.

    Until I joined MFP I had never done any regular exercise other than walking, and I started almost at the beginning with all the exercises. I'm finding that my biggest limitation are my joints. My joints fail me before I reach muscle failure. I have been incorporating squats into my workouts since January and after four months am finally able to do full squats with my thighs parallel to the ground without my knees hurting. It seems like slow progress, but it is progress nonetheless so I am happy. I'm sure I just need to be patient with my wrists and shoulders as well now that I'm asking them to do more work than they're used to!

    So far, the let-me-ins are what I dislike most. It's just really uncomfortable for my hands to be hanging on to a door handle like that!

    Hi Dawn :)

    My wrists were something I struggled with in the beginning too, so I can relate (and my grip strength with YAYOG, as well.) It does get better! With push-ups, try modifying the directions your fingers point in a big. My hands for some reason are much more comfortable on the ground when they're a little on the inside so that I can push into my thumb more than the outside of my hand, I guess.

    As for the let me ins, if you have resistance bands with a fabric handle (so not fully rigid, I'm not sure that would work) there might be something you could try. Mine are removable handles so it's even easier but it would probably work -- try hooking the handles into your doorknob and hanging off of that. Make sure you're stable, and it should give you a bit of a better range of motion. I tried doing them with a towel and it just ended up hurting the inside of my hands.

    Above all, don't give up! Rome wasn't built in a day! :)
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Another good way to do let me ins is to wrap a towel so that it hooks around both sides of the door around the handles and hold the towel instead of the handles.

    This is how I perform let me ins. It also allows you to position your upper body at, or further away from, the door which can change the difficulty level of the exercise. Using a towel will also allow you to add a twisting motion (twisting your hands - start in up position grasping towel with palms up and as you lower down rotate hands so that palms are down at the bottom of the move, then rotate them back to palms up as you pull yourself closer to the door) as you pull foward or go back which also works the arms a lot more than doing the exercise by grabbing the door handle.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    I was reading a thread this morning about heavy lifting and someone mentioned "You are Your Own Gym" as a good alternative for those who don't/won't go to a gym. I instantly started researching it on MFP, reading reviews and learning about the program. Everything I read was so positive that I reserved the book at Barnes & Noble and picked it up on my lunch hour. I'm excited to get started!

    YAYOG sounds like a great fit for me because I HATE the gym. It's intimidating, time-consuming and inconvenient. Honestly, I just love working out at home. I'm looking forward to reading the book tonight and hopefully getting started tomorrow. The app is downloaded on my phone and ready to go!

    I previously lost 43 lbs on MFP doing cardio (lots of running) and Jillian Michaels videos, but got lazy/content and have gained back 22 lbs of what I previously lost. I'm feeling the motivation coming back and am hoping this program helps me stick to it because it eliminates most of the excuses I come up with for not exercising (no gym, no time, very little equipment, etc).
  • KansasRider
    KansasRider Posts: 76 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm Snow. I'm starting another round of YAYOG today. Redoing 1st class. Hope you all are having a great day. looking forward to getting to know you
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessica, 32, from California. I live in a small town that doesn't have a gym, but wanted to start strength training and heard good things about YAYOG. I ended up buying BBY last week after doing the evaluation 2 months ago (I had initially borrowed it from the library to make sure I liked it) and I finally started on Monday.

    Is it OK to join in here even though I'm doing BBY instead of the original YAYOG?
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

    I'm starting YAYOG today, I've got the app!

    I'm also thinking that I might only be able to do it twice a week - I like to run and keep my 'formal' exercise to four days a week (one day off, two days gardening / walking / enjoying life in general!).

    But from what I've read, I might be able to combine some running days with some YAYOG days?

    Thoughts or tips please?
  • JuliaGoolia919
    JuliaGoolia919 Posts: 4 Member
    I just completed week 3 of the basic YAYOG. The first week was brutal. I was so very sore! I'm also trying to train for a half-marathon in the October. I'm hoping that the combination doesn't knock me out. I've been trying to do long runs on a day without a YAYOG workout and to just let myself rest when I'm feeling exhausted. My crazy goal is to be able to do one of those obstacle course 5Ks one day.

    Good luck to everyone else working through this!
  • IIFerdi
    IIFerdi Posts: 47 Member
    Well first off I didn't know there was a book or a smartphone app.
    Joined here because I do bodyweight exercises only.
    The reason I do this is because :
    I don't like the gym. One of the most heard excuse i heard for not training is" I didn't feel like riding to the gym today , didn't have the time". With bodyweight you can do it anywhere and anytime. So that cuts that out.
    I don't want to depend on equipment iether.

    I didn't choose for something like Insanity or P90. I am sure those programs are great and give great result. But they focus ,in my opinion, on a show body. Great looking body and that's it. I am looking for something more then that. I want a "go body" My body will look beter also but can use it also.
    So I do Tacfit program. Exercises are made for situations, balance and strength. It's a pretty old program tho but i like it.

    My goal is basically be fit at the end of this year. not like most guys grow a six pack. I can't do anything with a six pack.
    gonna check out the book of YAYOG tho. I am sure there are many great additions to my program to expand it.
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    I just started this today. I'm 33 and a teacher in Michigan. I've been lifting heavy, doing NROL4W but it just became too time consuming. My last workout lasted almost 90 minutes. Once summer's over and I'm back at work I can't do 90 minute workouts. So, in searching for shorter strength training programs, I found YAYOG. I bought the app and started today. I also bought BBY and will see if I need to switch to those workouts instead. My arms right now are like jelly!!! I'll see how my legs are after tomorrow's workout.

    I feel more from today's workout than I did from lifting weights, so I'm thinking this is going to be a great workout for me. Need to find a better way to do let me ups, though. I had to use 2 chairs today and have people sit on them. The broom handle just wasn't working out and I don't have a table with 4 legs. Are there any alternatives to this one?
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Hi, I'm Meg. I'm 50 years old and just started with the app. last week. Previously, I did home workouts with dumbbells, got bored with that, did some NerdFitness bodyweight workouts and heard about this program - I LOVE the app. and the variety of the exercises. I successfully dropped 25 lbs. previously on MFP using Insanity and P90x, but got more lazy recently, and gained about 9 lbs. Maybe it's my age, but it all seems to have turned to fat/flab. I'm hoping that reining in my eating and doing the YAYOG will help me get back into better numbers.
  • ruthiebaby88
    ruthiebaby88 Posts: 21 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that the soreness improves a lot after the first couple of weeks. I'm on week 4 and still get sore - but not painfully so like I did the first week. Also my posture has improved and it's helping my running as well.
  • ruthiebaby88
    ruthiebaby88 Posts: 21 Member
    YAYOG is 4 x week, BBY is 3x week
  • ruthiebaby88
    ruthiebaby88 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Dawn - If you are having joint issues, I wonder whether dietary changes might help? The Omega 3 fatty acids are lubricants for the body - so you might benefit from eating fish regularly. I roast walnuts and keep them around for snacking as well as for adding to foods when I want more protein and Omegas. They make a great substitution for croutons on salads for example. We call them nature's Advil.
  • ruthiebaby88
    ruthiebaby88 Posts: 21 Member

    I'm starting YAYOG today, I've got the app!

    I'm also thinking that I might only be able to do it twice a week - I like to run and keep my 'formal' exercise to four days a week (one day off, two days gardening / walking / enjoying life in general!).

    But from what I've read, I might be able to combine some running days with some YAYOG days?

    Thoughts or tips please?

    I have gone running after my Body by You workouts. Running uses muscles differently than the body weight moves. I think it's fine to do both on the same day - except on the day that I run intervals. I want my muscles to be fresh for intervals. I have also done BBY in the morning, then run intervals in the evening and that works out well.