How did your spouse react to your WLS decision?

So you might recall I was very nervous about telling my husband about my decision about gastric bypass surgery. I was pretty nervous about it because in the past he has been adamant about me never having "that"!! I knew it would be a difficult conversation. Oh....I was right. HIs first reaction was "absolutely NOT!" Anything I tried to say fell on deaf ears at that point. I let it lie for a couple of days and didn't say anything more. He needed to process this in his own way. I knew he would bring it up again when he was ready.

Today we were driving in the car and he said, "I know that sooner or later we are going to have to talk about this decision you have made, I just don't know if I am ready to do that yet." I said OK, whenever you are ready.....S I L E N C E for about 10 minutes then he just started talking about it and asking me questions. He wanted to know what my doctors said about it . He knew I had just seen my cardiologist and my PCP. He wants to read up on it and look at my info packet. I invited him to attend my first info session in a couple of weeks, not sure if he is ready for that.

A few hours later he said he will definately support my decision as he knows how I have struggled the past few years and also that I do not make decisions like this on a whim. I do my research thoroughly and as I told him I would not have even brought it up to him if I wasn't sure this was the best decision for my health.

I think we are good on this and I can count on him to support me through this.

How did your initial conversations go? Did you get the support you were hoping/counting on?


  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    My hubby has pretty much been on board since day 1. He's attended every meeting, every appointment with me for the last 9 months since I started this journey. I knew in order to be successful I needed to have him on board and I am incredibly grateful that he has been. He too struggles with his weight and is a diabetic and has even been talking recently about perhaps doing this himself.

    I am glad that your hubby and you are on the same page. I think it makes it so much easier to go through when the person you share your life with is on board with you!

    Good luck in your journey!
  • Susann1963
    Susann1963 Posts: 126 Member
    I so agree about having him on board! It is great for him to attend the informational meeting. Another idea - does your surgeon/hospital hold support group meetings? Mine has two meeting nights a month, and they are divided into pre-op to 3 months post, 4 months post to a year, etc. They are wonderful and may be a good time for him to hear what other people are wondering about, experiencing, and be able to ask some of his questions in a supportive class.
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 578 Member
    I so agree about having him on board! It is great for him to attend the informational meeting. Another idea - does your surgeon/hospital hold support group meetings? Mine has two meeting nights a month, and they are divided into pre-op to 3 months post, 4 months post to a year, etc. They are wonderful and may be a good time for him to hear what other people are wondering about, experiencing, and be able to ask some of his questions in a supportive class.

    Awesome idea Susan. My hospital has an fantastic bariatric center which is a "before, during and after" experience. I am sure they do offer the support sessions, will have to check that out.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    My boyfriend was very supportive of my bariatric surgery. However, he was very against me getting plastic surgery. He was worried about me having surgery, plus he said I was beautiful and did not need it (awwwwwwwww....). I told him I had to do it for my mental health. After my surgery, he saw how much better I was doing emotionally and admitted I had made the right decision.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    My husband was fully on board from the beginning. He has been with me at most of my visits/classes/support group. It's much easier with a supportive spouse/s.o.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    My hubby was on board from the beginning. My doctors office actually asked me about my support system at home, they feel it is very important. He is currently now in the process of getting approved for a sleeve.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    my husband was on board from the beginning as well. I had thought about it for years before I had actually made the decision and he was well aware of the impact surgery had on diabetes and other health issues I was struggling with. His main concern was that I be around for as many years as could be and having a healthier me could only add to our family. I woke up from surgery with him at my side and even though he is thin he has started running with me just to be a support and good example to our kids.
  • TL0105
    TL0105 Posts: 41 Member
    My husband has never been on board...he thinks I took the easy way was the best decision I could have made...down 65 pounds, blood pressure normal (off meds), Cholesterol heading back to normal, blood sugar (NORMAL!!!) certainly makes you wonder what the underlying problem could be. He has never said a word about my weight loss...I definitely have gotten so much support from my friends at MFP...they have all been so wonderful and supportive!!!