A million calories

I KNOW this works for me, but goodness I fee like I'm eating a million effin' calories a day. I need to be eating about 3000 calories per day. While that number seems ridiculous, when I *do* eat that much, I do lose weight like insane.

I'm a breastfeeding mom (burns calories without all the sweat) and I exercise lightly (1 mi walk) 3 times per week. I'm having extreme difficulty finding healthy foods that will get me to 2900 calories. I love fruits and veggies and clean eating, but I'm rarely even close to my calorie count per meal.

I'm 3 months postpartum, I've lost 42 lbs (from highest pregnancy weight) and almost 25 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I'm impressed by the weight loss all from eating, little from exercising, but I'm eating crap to reach my calorie in take. I still lose weight, but I can guarantee I'm consuming way too much sugar and sodium on a daily basis. So, while I'm losing weight, I still feel that its counter productive to my goal of being healthy. Especially because sugar is SO addictive. I've tried the past couple of days opting for fruit when I have a sugar craving, but that puts me grossly under my calorie goal, probably only around 1800 calories or so.

I'm rambling. Point -- I need healthy higher calorie foods, what's on your plate?


  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    Do you eat salads with olive oil? How about peanut butter, or nuts (and seeds) in general? Avocado? Avocado makes a nice spread on sandwiches! Hummus might be good for you too. How about lots of beans? Beans aren't like super high calorie, but they do add up when you put them in addition to meals.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Nuts, mmm, I would eat more nuts if I had that many calories. And more cheese. Nut butters. Avocado. Cook with a little more olive oil. Sprinkle hemp seed on cereal. Eat full-fat dairy in general. Mmm, 3000 calories.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Full fat greek yogurt, cheese, nuts, nut butters....it adds up quickly.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    All of the above plus recently discovered shelled sunflower seeds. A bitty 1/4 cup has almost 200 calories. I get the roasted unsalted ones so it doesn't mess up my sodium.
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    I have similar problems with my TDEE being 3300 calories. Part of me has started to accept it and take advantage. I still try to eat well but don't worry too much if it's not all ultra good. It's just not possible to eat that many calories in "healthy" food, unless you want to be eating all day!

    I wish I could do nuts but can't stand them, the taste, the texture. Only way I can manage them, for some weird reason, is having crunchy nut cornflakes. I find myself eating a lot more dairy. 1 pint of SS milk is 275 calories, more if you want to go full fat.

    Protein is the other issue I have. Consuming that many calories put protein targets at around 250g a day! Feel like I need a cow a day, first to milk it then to eat it!! Hence the large quantities of dairy again. Ham and cheese sandwiches with a pint of milk and a yogurt, packs around 700 calories and 40g of protein. Not bad for something not too bulky.
  • miacatherine
    miacatherine Posts: 18 Member
    Oh, yep, I needed to post diet restrictions with this post. :)

    1. I cannot have any dairy, in any capacity.
    2. I cannot have beef or pork
    3. I have to seriously limit nut/nut butter intake.
    4. I cannot have eggs (I can have them IN things, but they can't be a major component)
    5. I can't have any "gassy" greens (broccoli, etc.)
    6. I have to limit corn consumption. I seem to be okay with corn by-products, but can't have corn based foods.

    I have a baby with a sensitive tummy, so I have restrictions. :)

    Avocado is amazing and I gobble it up any time I have it. I have olive oil, but don't remember the last time I used it, I just don't use anything that requires oil, but I could make dressing out of it.
  • miacatherine
    miacatherine Posts: 18 Member
    Sunflower seeds sound like the way to go, since I LOVE them. Adding them and olive oil to salad dressings should help a ton.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Yikes, thats a lot of restrictions... What nursing moms do for their kids eh:)... Good for you. I dont think I could do it myself!!:)

    Have you looked into Lactose free protein powders?

    You are getting amazzing results at 3000 cals. Congrats!!!
  • miacatherine
    miacatherine Posts: 18 Member
    It's not lactose that she's allergic to, it's the milk protein. So anything with milk in it is out (i.e. whey protein)

    I tried sunflower seeds today with much success. :)

    Was just about at my goal, and stayed under on sodium.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It's not lactose that she's allergic to, it's the milk protein. So anything with milk in it is out (i.e. whey protein)

    I tried sunflower seeds today with much success. :)

    Was just about at my goal, and stayed under on sodium.

    How about soy? I believe there are a few soy protein powders out there?? might this be a better option?
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    They have vegan protein powders out there, too. Maybe trying to look into that?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Oh, yep, I needed to post diet restrictions with this post. :)

    1. I cannot have any dairy, in any capacity.
    2. I cannot have beef or pork
    3. I have to seriously limit nut/nut butter intake.
    4. I cannot have eggs (I can have them IN things, but they can't be a major component)
    5. I can't have any "gassy" greens (broccoli, etc.)
    6. I have to limit corn consumption. I seem to be okay with corn by-products, but can't have corn based foods.

    I have a baby with a sensitive tummy, so I have restrictions. :)

    Avocado is amazing and I gobble it up any time I have it. I have olive oil, but don't remember the last time I used it, I just don't use anything that requires oil, but I could make dressing out of it.

    We actually have similar restrictions, though mine are definitely not from breastfeeding! You could try adding Brewer's yeast to different dishes. Vegan brown rice powder is something else you can try adding in or drinking, though I don't like it. Have you tried eating more whole grains? There's a lot of calories in one cup of quinoa!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Wow. That does change things. Lots of restrictions. I agree with looking into other protein powders. I've even heard of pea protein. Although might that be gassy? I have no idea. There's also hemp protein. I like hemp seed just sprinkled on my cereal and whatnot.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I can only think of how jealous I am of all those calories and cheese!!! But no dairy for you so... Hmmm. tofu is good but not that high calorie. How bout eda mame?

    You are sooo lucky!!!
  • miacatherine
    miacatherine Posts: 18 Member
    Soy is another on the top allergen list, so I just generally avoid it. I don't like the fact it can mess with hormones in the long term. I'll have to look into the other proteins mentioned. I didn't know about the pea or hemp at all.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Soy is another on the top allergen list, so I just generally avoid it. I don't like the fact it can mess with hormones in the long term. I'll have to look into the other proteins mentioned. I didn't know about the pea or hemp at all.

    Definitely check out brewer's yeast and vegan brown rice protein powder then. Sounds like your little one has a lot of allergies! I limit my soy intake as well and eat mostly vegan, so I know where you're coming from!