New to keto

I'm about to start the keto diet Monday and i'm kind of nervous but excited at the same time. I have been trying to lose weight for about 3 years now and nothing seems to work! 'Im around 35 pounds overweight and hoping this will be my key to success! Anyone have any suggestions on any ways to make it easier to stay on track or any tips at all about it? I have been reading about the diet for around a month now. I would like to know if any one has any idea on how many calories i should be eating a day as well as how many grams of fat, protein, and carbs a day? Thanks!!!


  • indyguy6600
    I've been having success in keeping my diet set at 65%fat/30%protein/5%carbs. This eating plan works! Give your body a few days-week to adjust to your new eating style....and get ready to lose weight!
  • mjclark11
    Awesome thanks for the advice! I'm starting it tomorrow and just threw out all the carb packed food in my house and went shopping got tons of meat and veges!
  • vivipr
    vivipr Posts: 80 Member
    I just started today, I have 40 lbs that I would love to get rid of like asap!
    I love bread, and when I said love is LOVE!!! LOL! Im also a sweet tooth...
    Wish us lots of luck and I truly hope we can keep up with this... :)
  • mjclark11
    I totally agree i am also a big bread, pasta, and sweets lover! so thats the worst part for me is that i cant have any of that! but i have found some ways around that there is spaghetti squash and chocolate protein shakes and if you make bread homemade or with flax seed meal that makes it less full of carbs. today is day 3 for me and its starting to get hard because the cravings are screaming at me but im trying to just power through it I also feel a little fatigued and felt nauseous this morning when i was trying to eat but after i forced it down i felt better. But from what i was told all the cravings should go away in about 2 weeks after starting. Good luck to you and i hope you stick to it!
  • DannyJAlbers
    I have been in nutritional ketosis for months, if you think its not magic I suppose it depends on your goals.

    For endurance work, hell ya, its beyond magic.

    For appetite control? Cannot be beat

    For reducing blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol? Nothing like it. In fact I just got all my labs back the other day.

    Lab results after months of pure keto: >80% calories from fats Results on Zero Carb

    Not magic? Depends on your goals and perspective.

    Carb cycling leaves me hungry and fatter.
  • mf0178
    I started doing keto about two months ago. I'm also trying to lose 35 lbs. I eat about 1200 calories a day, sometimes less. When I first started it was hard. I had cravings too. I'm ITALIAN, HELLO. But after a while they completely went away and I have no desire at ALL to eat those evil carbs. In fact, thinking about them makes my stomach feel HEAVY.

    Anyway, I try to eat 20 carbs, 60 fat, 20 protein. The more fat, the more FULL you will feel and it will be easier to only eat 1200 cals a day. Another tip, if you're not hungry, dont eat.

    I also suggest making your food a head of time. I make a dozen hard boiled eggs for the week. Cook all your bacon at once and just store it in the fridge and heat it up a little in the microwave. It's not so bad.

    Another tip, heavy cream is really good for things like coffee and diet ROOT BEER FLOATS. I enjoy root beer floats at night all the time and they make me feel full because of the heavy cream, plus no carbs!

    Anyway, it took me about 8 weeks to lose 15lbs so far so I must be doing something right. I actually cheat a lot. There was one week I went on vacation and i MAY have had some funnel cake... and ice cream... But I maintained my weight so it didnt set me back too much. But it totally knocked me out of Ketosis.

    Also, REALLY DRINK A LOT OF WATER. Whenever I don't drink enough water I feel sick and nauseous and its the worst feeling ever. SO DRINK DRINK DRINK.

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions!
  • mjclark11
    I think im going to do just straight keto the whole time I dont want to have to deal with having the cravings all the time and feeling sick. Id rather just get rid of it all!

    Marisa- Very inspirational to hear and uplifting for me. While Im having the cravings it feels as though there is no end in sight but Im glad to know there is lol! Its hard coming up with new things to eat but Ive been doing a lot of research and found tons of stuff that i can have. Any ideas always help, I like trying new things, Im open to anything that will help with this diet! And the float sounds yummy Ill have to try it. Thanks!