Starting today! Care to join me?



  • nis75p06
    Finished W2D1!
  • rst12267
    rst12267 Posts: 85 Member
    Nice work nis75. I just did w2d2 this morning! How's it feeling for you?
  • nis75p06
    I pushed through...

    How do you know if pain is an incipient injury or simply a fat squashy soft body protesting working? I expect some pain/soreness in my legs - and I have been a very little bit sore the next day... But I've been getting some pretty sharp pain down the outside of my calf... Bad enough to make me very conscious of taking a full stride and not shorting on that leg. Pain goes away within 15 minutes of finishing but comes back again after just a few minutes of jogging. It's not a strike issue, as the pain is constant, not related to hitting the ground.

    I walked yesterday - no pain. So definitely a jogging thing.

    Not enough to make me quit though! Tonight is W2D2!
  • glejotude
    glejotude Posts: 1 Member
    I started week one earlier this week but am going to do W1D2 again because it was tough for me. :smile:
  • nis75p06
    Finished W2D2!

    Distance: 1.98
    Duration: 37.31
    Avg Pace: 18:54
    Avg Speed: 3.17

    I should have started earlier... it was dark when I finished, and since I am rural, there are no sidewalks or streetlights and the posted speed on my road is 55mph. Which translates to 75mph effective :)

    Anyone else run on the road? Which side do you run on? I run facing oncoming traffic (so on the left side of the road) because I think it's safer, but I'd like to hear other opinions.