Getting frustrated......

I've been eating around 1600-1700 calories since around the beginning of July.....I haven't lost anything!!! The way my clothes fit hasn't changed much either. I keep reading all these posts about people losing....what am I doing wrong??? Should I eat more? Am I eating too much? MFP had me at 1330. I excercise 5-6 days a week burning about 400-500/day. Usually either by walking pushing 70lbs. (my kids), running, or the elliptical. My BMR is 1452
I'm pretty much just maintaining.....I keep losing/gaining the same 1/
Any helps appreciated!


  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    How did you work out your cals to eat? I recommend reading and following through this - I used it and have been losing 1lb a week.

    Lots of people also say cardio isn't the best way to lose - lifting heavy is - but I can't answer on that, though I do a mixure of weights and cardio.

    I'm sure someone more experienced will be along shortly.

    Ps your ticker says you've lost 15lbs - was that before July?
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    Yes that was before July. Dan actually did my numbers for me. You think its because of the cardio. I love it so!!! :)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Maybe - but I'm honestly not sure, try adding in some weights work as well. I still do cardio as I love to run and wouldn't give it up - but loads of people do say that after a while your body gets use to it so it becomes less effective. Maybe try lifting for a month without changing anything else and see what happens?

    You also seem under your protein macro quite a lot - maybe try upping your protein intake to meet the daily recommended amount?
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    Thanks.....I'll try that. Not a fan of lifting but if it works I'll give it a go. Not because I think I'll get bulky....just because I don't enjoy doing it. Don't see my self giving up running as I really love it! Its my escape.....not giving that up!

    I'll try upping my protein as well.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Weight are something you can gradually work in as you go. If you love cardio, thats great. Just keep in mind of your burns. If you are burning a ton doing your running, and you arent eating above your BMR< that could be the issue there..

    So if you are only eating 1650 a day, but you are burning more than 250 cals running a day, then you are in fact eating Below your BMR and you need to make sure you are eating above.. What activity level are you eating at? If you are working out 5-6 hours in a week, you should be eating at the strenuous level,.. and at first glance, id say your 1600-1700 is not enough. If you are burning 400-500 cals in your run, then you are eating below your BMR amount, and you want to eat back some of your cals..

    Hope this helps
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I think you may be right. I was told the 1600 included my excercise but I do go below my BMR w/ running. I'll eat back my calories for a few weeks and see what happens.

  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think you may be right. I was told the 1600 included my excercise but I do go below my BMR w/ running. I'll eat back my calories for a few weeks and see what happens.


    Hope it helps! You should see some change this way:)
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 578 Member
    I would agree. You're definitely not eating enough. I'm continually amazed at eating more. I recently upped my calories to 2000 per day from 1900, and even went over a few days, and lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks providing this last 2 pounds sticks for a few days. The fact that I can eat this much and lose blows my mind.

    Bear in mind that I do lift 3x per week, but not for long periods of time or anything special. I'm in stage 1 of NROLFW. I also "run" 3x per week for 35 minutes or so, but I just added that back in a week ago. I'm starting over with C25K.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Lifting is important. I don't like doing it exactly but after 2 months of PURE cardio and seeing no results I added in lifting and I am melting away pounds.