Some encouragement for the EM2WL fam...

ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
A word of encouragement for those starting EM2WL and lifting too. The program isn't about dropping weight quick, it is more about losing fat and transforming your physique as you lose body fat. I really didn't understand that myself and had to walk through it to realize I really wasn't trying to lose weight so much as trying to lose fat. When you start lifting and eating too your body will hold water and hold more glycogen which means the scale will run up a bit, BUT, trust me when I say once you get in the rhythm and start gaining some lean muscle, you may not see the number on the scale drop but you will see the change in your appearance, your time. If I could advise anything, it would be to give up the scale for a while and be consistent. If you have tried VLCD time and time again, give EM2WL a full hearted go. And when you need encouragement, feel free to take a look at my diary and the pics....the proof is in the pictures. In this pic right here I weighed in at 162lbs. In the pic sitting on my hubby's lap I was 175lbs. My original goal was 147lbs...LOL...not going to happen. My current goal now is to get BF down to 20%. I am getting there slowly but I no longer let the scale frustrate me in any way. Muscle is heavier, so the scale is not the best indicator of how you are doing. Ok, hope this helps someone....have a most blessed Sunday and holiday weekend!


  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Bump bump bump!

    Thank you so much Lucia, I know so many people who would really appreciate reading this.
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    I really needed this today...thank you Lucia !
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    I'm going to hop in here and say ABSOLUTELY!!

    Folks ...this way of living works. Yes Since I adopted this way of eating and moving ..I've NEVER felt like I was on a diet. So many times in the past .... I'd diet, lose then gain, then diet gain, then gain and then just say to HECK with it. I won't "bore" you with my story again ...but I blog here on MFP and my testimonial is I'm in my homestretch. Still eating well and lifting. My body ... I LOVE it and I feel great. but absolutely's not about losing WEIGHT. it's about losing FAT.

    Today was a fun day for me. I described it on my homepage as weirdly amazing. I'm 48. 49 later this month. NEVER in my adult life have I worn single digit sizes. I bought a pair of trouser pants today , size 8. Fit like a glove! Size medium tops. Pulled on a HOT black slip dress from the Juniors section that I didn't buy , but think I will go back to get. I still can't believe I'm this size. I still expect to have to prove it to the cashier that YES ..that is really my size. My new goal is a size 6. Will be there in a few months.

    And, as Lucia said : the scale starts to become meaningless. I'm 48, 5'4 and weigh 182. And ..I'm smokin hot in my size 8 : ) I expect my final size 6 weight will be about 165/170. Once there, will eat and train to build more muscle. Lean for LIFE. And loving every minute of it is my plan!

    If you want you some of THAT .... Then GET WITH IT !!!

  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Thank you Lucia & Jen for both of your words!!! Like I told Lucia earlier - I really needed to hear this today!!! Thank you both!!:flowerforyou:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Yep~perfect timing for the Calvary to ride in!
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    A word of encouragement for those starting EM2WL and lifting too. The program isn't about dropping weight quick, it is more about losing fat and transforming your physique as you lose body fat. I really didn't understand that myself and had to walk through it to realize I really wasn't trying to lose weight so much as trying to lose fat. When you start lifting and eating too your body will hold water and hold more glycogen which means the scale will run up a bit, BUT, trust me when I say once you get in the rhythm and start gaining some lean muscle, you may not see the number on the scale drop but you will see the change in your appearance, your time. If I could advise anything, it would be to give up the scale for a while and be consistent. If you have tried VLCD time and time again, give EM2WL a full hearted go. And when you need encouragement, feel free to take a look at my diary and the pics....the proof is in the pictures. In this pic right here I weighed in at 162lbs. In the pic sitting on my hubby's lap I was 175lbs. My original goal was 147lbs...LOL...not going to happen. My current goal now is to get BF down to 20%. I am getting there slowly but I no longer let the scale frustrate me in any way. Muscle is heavier, so the scale is not the best indicator of how you are doing. Ok, hope this helps someone....have a most blessed Sunday and holiday weekend!

    Lucia - thanks for the comment on my status - but I did my reset at 5-6 hours of strenuous activity from when I was doing 5-6 hours of cardio a week. at the end, i had gained 2 pounds, but i was so happy - that i could eat 2655 and 'only' gain 2 pounds, etc. and then I finally listened, and hard as it was, accepted that 5-6 hours of cardio is unneccessary and not beneficial and started NROLFW and heavy lifting. day 1 i was at 156 pounds. today, like i said in my status, i was 160.6. granted, i lifted heavy yesterday and increased my weights, AND i weighed myself after eating breakfast, AND i ate a ton of almond butter and crackers last night and was way over on cals and weigh heavy on carbs which could be bloating, but still: 160.6. 150 used to be my 'ok, get it together' number and 160 wasn't even on my radar because i didn't think i'd ever let myself get there again. and here i am. i feel like i'm heading right back to 205 in a moment's notice. i am so freaked out. i'm drinking my water today and will weigh in again tomorrow - but if it's still 'up there' i don't know what i'm going to do. i went to the doctor in early May and was 147. didn't eat enough for the cardio i was doing and got up to 154. was going to go back to 1200 cals and found EMTWL and did the reset, 9 weeks later i was 156. now i'm 160.6. that's almost 14 pounds in 4 months. this is why it feels like 205 is just a breath away...

    i am straight up panicking. but now that i've started heavy lifting i can't even imagine doing an hour of cardio a day again.... so i feel stuck. i go to the doctor again in november and i am already having serious anxiety over what i will weigh then and what he will say (he didn't like 147 and said it was 'too high' even though i'm 5'10"). please someone talk me through this...
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I too have had success with EM2WL! Eating TDEE 5% cut and lifting I am wearing a size 4 and some size 2! I have never walked in a store and had someone ask me how much I weigh!! They just want to know my size!!! I gladly tell them! Hang in there and stay consistent!

    PS I was a snug size 4 @ 129lbs now am a comfy size 4 @ 135lbs in jeans and size 2 in dress pants and skirts. I lost fat and got booty!!
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    A word of encouragement for those starting EM2WL and lifting too. The program isn't about dropping weight quick, it is more about losing fat and transforming your physique as you lose body fat. I really didn't understand that myself and had to walk through it to realize I really wasn't trying to lose weight so much as trying to lose fat. When you start lifting and eating too your body will hold water and hold more glycogen which means the scale will run up a bit, BUT, trust me when I say once you get in the rhythm and start gaining some lean muscle, you may not see the number on the scale drop but you will see the change in your appearance, your time. If I could advise anything, it would be to give up the scale for a while and be consistent. If you have tried VLCD time and time again, give EM2WL a full hearted go. And when you need encouragement, feel free to take a look at my diary and the pics....the proof is in the pictures. In this pic right here I weighed in at 162lbs. In the pic sitting on my hubby's lap I was 175lbs. My original goal was 147lbs...LOL...not going to happen. My current goal now is to get BF down to 20%. I am getting there slowly but I no longer let the scale frustrate me in any way. Muscle is heavier, so the scale is not the best indicator of how you are doing. Ok, hope this helps someone....have a most blessed Sunday and holiday weekend!

    Lucia - thanks for the comment on my status - but I did my reset at 5-6 hours of strenuous activity from when I was doing 5-6 hours of cardio a week. at the end, i had gained 2 pounds, but i was so happy - that i could eat 2655 and 'only' gain 2 pounds, etc. and then I finally listened, and hard as it was, accepted that 5-6 hours of cardio is unneccessary and not beneficial and started NROLFW and heavy lifting. day 1 i was at 156 pounds. today, like i said in my status, i was 160.6. granted, i lifted heavy yesterday and increased my weights, AND i weighed myself after eating breakfast, AND i ate a ton of almond butter and crackers last night and was way over on cals and weigh heavy on carbs which could be bloating, but still: 160.6. 150 used to be my 'ok, get it together' number and 160 wasn't even on my radar because i didn't think i'd ever let myself get there again. and here i am. i feel like i'm heading right back to 205 in a moment's notice. i am so freaked out. i'm drinking my water today and will weigh in again tomorrow - but if it's still 'up there' i don't know what i'm going to do. i went to the doctor in early May and was 147. didn't eat enough for the cardio i was doing and got up to 154. was going to go back to 1200 cals and found EMTWL and did the reset, 9 weeks later i was 156. now i'm 160.6. that's almost 14 pounds in 4 months. this is why it feels like 205 is just a breath away...

    i am straight up panicking. but now that i've started heavy lifting i can't even imagine doing an hour of cardio a day again.... so i feel stuck. i go to the doctor again in november and i am already having serious anxiety over what i will weigh then and what he will say (he didn't like 147 and said it was 'too high' even though i'm 5'10"). please someone talk me through this...

    Wow, uh 147 in NOT unhealthy for 5'10. Sorry thats all I have to say. I am not really sure how to advise you with your concern. Do know, though, that at 5'10 147 is NOT bad :)
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Beth ... Is it Beth? (bethad5)

    Here goes! BREATHE. : )

    everything I just read is centered on a scale #. how much your body weighs. I get it. It's important. everything is so centered on the scale ..but I BEG you. STOP. stop and just think. Think about what you are saying. Is a # on the scale THE most important thing it what dictates how you feel about yourself? I would think how you look, how you feel, how you enjoy life is most important. 5'10 and 160 ? I'd say ..chill out girlfriend !! : ) you are on the right path. Your doc? You don't live for him or her. What is your health like? some docs want to plug us on a height and weight chart. It's not that black and white. I wouldn't stress about that at all. any doc who says 147 is unhealthy for 5'10 ..I'd get me a new doc.

    What feels right to you? I get the sense that you are wanting to embrace properly fueling your body , lifting weights and be on the path of losing fat and reshaping your body. Wouldn't you much rather to be lean for life? Eating for life? Not stressing over every morsel of food, every pound on the scale? Having lower body fat, a stronger body that is SMALLER matter what the scale says? Or do you want to continue to fight the never ending gain lose gain lose WEIGHT battle?

    Please good to yourself. don't let the scale dictate your life. Put all that energy into beating FAT into submission.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I want so much to believe in this! When I did it earlier in the year....I didnt gain a great deal (maybe 5 pounds) but when I did the cut I didnt lose either. I lost 85 kilos (190+ pounds) and have excess its hard to see if i do gain any muscle and so I found it quite demoralising. I do one session a week which is with heavy weights...all free weights and body weight things (current program is pushups, lunges, clean and press, one armed presses etc) I also do body pump 3-4 time a week - I try and go as heavy as I can in pump. I dont want to give up my group fitness classes as I enjoy them...and do a bit of cardio as well (run 1 hour once a week...the odd 30 min boxing class..and jump on the xtrainer for 20-30 mins at a time 2-3 times a week) with that kind of workout knowing i DO still have fat to you honestly think this could work for me? Or would I need to replace pump with NROLFW or could I just add a couple of NROLFW to my week. Its so hard when you have excess skin so photos arent even a great guide for me...but I do love the whole concept of eating to lose!
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Sooo...will EM2WL not be *ideal* for those who only do cardio (like me)? :frown: Would it work better with some sort of bodyweight training plan, etc? I don't have the access to weights, especially heavy ones, :sad: so bodyweight or cardio are my two options...I want to build muscle and lose fat, but don't exactly know where to start, esp. with limited resources. :ohwell:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Beth~ I agree with Jen about NOT living for your doctor's approval and they DO use old, worn out guidelines for weight.

    I sympathize with you Beth about the weight gain and how distressing it is. You don't mention HOW it is affecting you except for SEEING the number on the scale. How are your clothes fitting? Can you move around OK? How are your measurements?

    I gained 24 pounds from the start of EM2WL and through Reset. I am 5 foot tall and that put me at 224 pounds. It was horrible. I could barely move, getting dressed was a workout in itself, and I was in physical pain. NONE of my clothes fit me. ALL of my measurements ballooned.

    I'm sharing this with you because there are many more factors to be looked at besides the number on the scale when deciding whether or not what you're doing is the right thing.

    Realize that some of your weight gain could be muscle from lifting, this is why you must also measure yourself.

    I started NROL4W and the Reset at the same time and while I'm sure I gained muscle weight, I KNOW I also gained FAT because my measurements went UP, WAY UP!

    See what I'm saying?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    A word of encouragement for those starting EM2WL and lifting too. The program isn't about dropping weight quick, it is more about losing fat and transforming your physique as you lose body fat. I really didn't understand that myself and had to walk through it to realize I really wasn't trying to lose weight so much as trying to lose fat. When you start lifting and eating too your body will hold water and hold more glycogen which means the scale will run up a bit, BUT, trust me when I say once you get in the rhythm and start gaining some lean muscle, you may not see the number on the scale drop but you will see the change in your appearance, your time. If I could advise anything, it would be to give up the scale for a while and be consistent. If you have tried VLCD time and time again, give EM2WL a full hearted go. And when you need encouragement, feel free to take a look at my diary and the pics....the proof is in the pictures. In this pic right here I weighed in at 162lbs. In the pic sitting on my hubby's lap I was 175lbs. My original goal was 147lbs...LOL...not going to happen. My current goal now is to get BF down to 20%. I am getting there slowly but I no longer let the scale frustrate me in any way. Muscle is heavier, so the scale is not the best indicator of how you are doing. Ok, hope this helps someone....have a most blessed Sunday and holiday weekend!

    Lucia - thanks for the comment on my status - but I did my reset at 5-6 hours of strenuous activity from when I was doing 5-6 hours of cardio a week. at the end, i had gained 2 pounds, but i was so happy - that i could eat 2655 and 'only' gain 2 pounds, etc. and then I finally listened, and hard as it was, accepted that 5-6 hours of cardio is unneccessary and not beneficial and started NROLFW and heavy lifting. day 1 i was at 156 pounds. today, like i said in my status, i was 160.6. granted, i lifted heavy yesterday and increased my weights, AND i weighed myself after eating breakfast, AND i ate a ton of almond butter and crackers last night and was way over on cals and weigh heavy on carbs which could be bloating, but still: 160.6. 150 used to be my 'ok, get it together' number and 160 wasn't even on my radar because i didn't think i'd ever let myself get there again. and here i am. i feel like i'm heading right back to 205 in a moment's notice. i am so freaked out. i'm drinking my water today and will weigh in again tomorrow - but if it's still 'up there' i don't know what i'm going to do. i went to the doctor in early May and was 147. didn't eat enough for the cardio i was doing and got up to 154. was going to go back to 1200 cals and found EMTWL and did the reset, 9 weeks later i was 156. now i'm 160.6. that's almost 14 pounds in 4 months. this is why it feels like 205 is just a breath away...

    i am straight up panicking. but now that i've started heavy lifting i can't even imagine doing an hour of cardio a day again.... so i feel stuck. i go to the doctor again in november and i am already having serious anxiety over what i will weigh then and what he will say (he didn't like 147 and said it was 'too high' even though i'm 5'10"). please someone talk me through this...

    First of all 147lbs at 5'10" is not overweight. Before last baby I was that weight and very slender(skinny fat) and two inches shorter. Now keep in mind you are lifting heavy, you will retain water...remind yourself, you will never be 205 again and this is a lifestyle and last but not least, you will gain lean mass and lose body fat. This isn't over night, take a look at my pics and I'm not at goal. I wish all could see oct of last year with my whining and crying and lamenting over the I have been where you are. I am telling you if you can put away the scale, stick to small cut for four wks, TDEE for a week, then cut again....keep lifting heavy and get in the protein with some HIIT or other type of cardio a couple times a week....your body will transform. The doctor will be shocked at your weight, but your size will show him you have lots of awesome lean muscle.

    Gosh look at Jen, her Journey is on the site...a must read. Check out her pics, can you imagine her at the drs I would love to be standing by when they take her weight...tehehehe!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Sooo...will EM2WL not be *ideal* for those who only do cardio (like me)? :frown: Would it work better with some sort of bodyweight training plan, etc? I don't have the access to weights, especially heavy ones, :sad: so bodyweight or cardio are my two options...I want to build muscle and lose fat, but don't exactly know where to start, esp. with limited resources. :ohwell:

    The key is to choose the correct activity level. For now if all you can do is body weight work then do that. Also gallon water jugs are good weights. But this works regardless, as long as the numbers are right. A small deficit will produce lose. But again many factors come in to play when you start stressing the muscles in new ways. Water retention, increased glycogen stores, increased lean mass....all of which equates to some weight gain.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I want so much to believe in this! When I did it earlier in the year....I didnt gain a great deal (maybe 5 pounds) but when I did the cut I didnt lose either. I lost 85 kilos (190+ pounds) and have excess its hard to see if i do gain any muscle and so I found it quite demoralising. I do one session a week which is with heavy weights...all free weights and body weight things (current program is pushups, lunges, clean and press, one armed presses etc) I also do body pump 3-4 time a week - I try and go as heavy as I can in pump. I dont want to give up my group fitness classes as I enjoy them...and do a bit of cardio as well (run 1 hour once a week...the odd 30 min boxing class..and jump on the xtrainer for 20-30 mins at a time 2-3 times a week) with that kind of workout knowing i DO still have fat to you honestly think this could work for me? Or would I need to replace pump with NROLFW or could I just add a couple of NROLFW to my week. Its so hard when you have excess skin so photos arent even a great guide for me...but I do love the whole concept of eating to lose!

    Wow, you are doing a lot which I'm sure if you took a look at the number of hours per week you would find that you need to eat way more than you probably want to. I understand not wanting to give up group classes because you love them. You have to enjoy what you do. I used to do three pump classes, three Zumba classes, RIPPED once, and sometimes do ellip or treadmill for couple hours per week. When I started I had to cut back because I couldn't eat so much. Then I was down to three one hour free weights sessions, but I kept my beloved Zumba once a week and I really can't imagine going back to working out the way I used too. Now in cut I have added a little more cardio but nothing excessive. I do Zumba maybe two times and maybe a HIIT session. I have become cardio

    So, I will say that this is a lifestyle. We give suggestions of NROLW for those getting started with weight training and HIIT a couple times a week as a guideline, somewhere for people to start. But I can't tell you to stop what you love. However you should match your workout to your goal. If you are looking for more of a toned physique then you need to lift heavy using free weights and cut back a bit on the cardio. I realized the body I wanted usually wasn't on those that were in my cardio classes. That is when I started to think about what I was doing wrong. The hot bods were those in the weight room. I like the more toned "look", which is why I was ok with stopping almost all the classes plus especially in the beginning, I couldn't eat to support it.

    I hope this helps. It works, it works it works... I find those that have a hard time being honest with the scooby calculator or not truly measuring foods, or not hitting macros, adding in more physical exercise...there is usually somewhere that needs tweaking. And I haven't seen where the need is to drop calories.

    Hope this helps.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I too have had success with EM2WL! Eating TDEE 5% cut and lifting I am wearing a size 4 and some size 2! I have never walked in a store and had someone ask me how much I weigh!! They just want to know my size!!! I gladly tell them! Hang in there and stay consistent!

    PS I was a snug size 4 @ 129lbs now am a comfy size 4 @ 135lbs in jeans and size 2 in dress pants and skirts. I lost fat and got booty!!

    Nice...I chuckle when someone ask me my weight...162lbs...maybe even 165 after lift day...(watch mouth drop to floor).Wearing size six nicely and some fours too. I've gained lots of lean mass and need the fat covering to go...slow but rewarding process. Can be frustrating but in the end I know so rewarding..thanks for sharing.

    We would love to post your story on the site, if you wouldnt mind. Please send it to People so need the encouragement.

  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the kind word, Lucia. I need to hear this. :flowerforyou: I have up my cals to 1740 since last Monday and decided to lower it to 1735 a few days ago and is now hesitate to lower it to 1700-1710 (?) today. I know consistency is the key but it is because even thought I am more active than I thought-TDEE on the most active day is around 1740, when I average it out for 7 days my TDEE is only around 1700kcal. :frown: I just hope it won't ruined the whole reset process I am trying to do. :ohwell:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks for the kind word, Lucia. I need to hear this. :flowerforyou: I have up my cals to 1740 since last Monday and decided to lower it to 1735 a few days ago and is now hesitate to lower it to 1700-1710 (?) today. I know consistency is the key but it is because even thought I am more active than I thought-TDEE on the most active day is around 1740, when I average it out for 7 days my TDEE is only around 1700kcal. :frown: I just hope it won't ruined the whole reset process I am trying to do. :ohwell:

    What are ou using to measure your activity level?
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    At what point is it recommended you go from 15% to 10% cut? I am going to give this a go again and really focus on macros...and have spoken to a instructor at the gym about getting some pointers about doing heavy lifting (she has been training for figure competitions)...I still would like to lose about another 25 I am guessing 15% cut still at this point?
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the kind word, Lucia. I need to hear this. :flowerforyou: I have up my cals to 1740 since last Monday and decided to lower it to 1735 a few days ago and is now hesitate to lower it to 1700-1710 (?) today. I know consistency is the key but it is because even thought I am more active than I thought-TDEE on the most active day is around 1740, when I average it out for 7 days my TDEE is only around 1700kcal. :frown: I just hope it won't ruined the whole reset process I am trying to do. :ohwell:

    What are ou using to measure your activity level?


    I use fitbit for checking out my activity level.So far, I am between lightly active and sedentary. There are some days such as in the weekend that I am more sedated than the rest of the week. :)