Sept 3rd (Monday) Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter



  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Don't you love a week that starts with Tuesday! I am so very happy for all of the progress posted here. Tammy, Janet and Snoozie...IPOU

    Melissa- I will be thinking of you and your daughter and hope that the Dr. visits go well. THIS- At times being the adoring, patient and supportive mother is really hard for me...I can only do it for so long before I want to smack her and say "snap out of it"!! made me laugh out loud and almost spit my water all over the computer screen. If you only knew how many times I thought that over the last two weeks. When my daughter gets tired or out of her element she is really a grumpy (read irritating) little brat. I have to remind myself often that when she is good she is awesome but there are times when I want to send her to her room and tell her to take a nap! If only she were still six and not almost 28!

    T2- I am so glad you had a great weekend with your mom. I am married to a hoarder but this weekend I was so proud of him. He went through his closet and finally got rid of things that are older than I am. He had a storage tub full of just t-shirts. There were probably 50 or more in there and he got rid of all of them except for 6! Yippee. We are on the road to cleaning out the basement. That means more room for an entertainment area and a pool table.

    Snoozie- Thank you for the laugh as always, you make my day.

    Bis- I missed your post about making the run. WTG and Good Luck

    Mary and Bass- Welcome and have a great week!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Am running SO late for work and there’s a huge storm happening outside so this is going to be the fastest speed typing ever – apologizing now for typos and any missed replies will catch up tonite but for now

    Welcome to mary and bass and any other new or lurking lol… welcome and cant wait to get to know ya

    Tonya speaking of howling at a post… I almost did the same reading your “irritating little brat” line..!!
    Congrats on getting hubby to clean out the stuff and having your dining room in order lol.. hang in there!

    Merobi – send a msg but publicly HUGE Congrats on meeting you goal!!!!!!!!! That’s awesome! Will keep fingers crossed for the daughter and thanks for the giggles… nothing wrong with wine for brekkie btw! Lol

    Patrice hang in there too.. im sure its muscle gain; know its frustrating (believe me I know!) but you’re doing everything right and it will start to come off!

    T2: yay on the junk drawer cleanup.. you slay me woman.. of course I have a junk drawer.. or 12!
    Charip: thanks for the giggles lol!

    Think I got to the rest earlier; catch up tonite with everyone and hope you all have a great day!
    Remember Mad Hatters ROCK!

    Thought for the day? (or moment..or hour lol) :

    Life is a journey through time, filled with may choices; each of us will experience life in our own special way. So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be, because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the dreams that you know are meant to come true for you.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good Morning to My Favorite Women!

    I apologize for not posting much lately. I am one of them that life has been so crazy the last few weeks. My grandkids (who now live with me fulltime) started school last week and getting the logistics figured out for them has been a nightmare. My daughter and I plan on moving into a much larger house on Oct. 1st. That is a MUST! So we started the kids in the school where we will be moving....which is in a different town than where we live now. Oh my.....we both work full time....2 kids in a new school, 1 that goes to day care.

    I can so relate to Snoozie's quote "God will never give me more than I can handle" I truly believe this. I am so PROUD of ALL of YOU....for your accomplishements, NSV's, all the excellent choices being made.

    Love ya all!!!

  • Cathyjgl
    Hi, newbie here. Cathy from Chicago suburbs. Wanna get at least 30 off and as long as I don't sabotage myself I WILL GET THERE! Been working out 3-4 days a week. Wearing my heart rate monitor and getting off 500 cals each workout. Doesn't seem to translate into pounds off tho. What's that all about- some evil thing going on! Hey, is anyone taking HRT's??
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Melissa, WOW, many congrats. Good luck with maintenance. I think that is the really scarey part. I have gotten very close to my goals previously, then something happens and I head back up the scale I think it is partly because I am afraid of the challenges that come from maintenance. Even though we Hatters really need you in our group, have you considered looking for a second support group of people who are doing maintenance? The ladies who have been successful at maintenance might have some practical suggestions that those of us who are still struggling to get close to goal won't understand. But it is exciting to know that once we get to the mysterious land of maintenance we will have a friend who has already figured it out!
    I am also glad your daughter is not seriously ill. When I was in high school I had a sudden case of vertigo, I almost fell down the school steps and needed to walk with my back against the wall until I was taken home. The nuns thought that I was on drugs (it was the 1970-LOL) It turns out that I had damaged my inner ears by sitting too close to the speakers at a Three Dog Night Concert. But while I fully recovered, it was terrifying when we didn't know what was going on.

    Cathy-Welcome to the group. The ladies here are a great support. I have been ovary free since 2000, so I do take HRT, and I have been thyroid free since 2011, so I take Synthroid too. It is so frustrating when you think you are doing everything right but not losing any weight. Are you being absolutely accurate with your food diary? I don't believe any of the estimates of calories burned during exercise.

    Fellow spouses of hoarders unite!!! Now that my husband is dealing with too much stuff that needs to go from his parents' house I am hoping that he will recognize that there is a ton of stuff that can be discarded from our house. Unlikely but I can dream!

    Ladies take good care of yourselves.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    finally brave enough to place a picture of me on the site.... will also post a b4...:glasses:

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    finally brave enough to place a picture of me on the site.... will also post a b4...:glasses:


    photos with red shirts are Disney 2011 - definitely a b4!

    size 1x top / 16w pant.....

    swimsuit is a 16 misses....
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Home Run to Melissa, Snooozie, Janet & Hairspray on your weight loss (and any one else I may have missed). I stepped on the scale yesterday & still no movement, but all is ok. My body is toned & endurance is better than it has ever been. This week I am going to watch my carbs/suger a little more closely & see what happens. I know I also need to add some strength training and am trying to decide if I should join a gym, or be more commited to using the free weights at home.

    Melissa prayeres with your daughter & keep us posted. I had a bout of vertigo this past spring & know it is not fun.

    Just to claify this weekend is a charity walk, not a run, but at 13.1 miles & with the well known "Heart break Hill" 6 miles in still a challenge. The long range forecast is for showers, so I am praying to the weather god for clowds, but no rain.

    Wishing everyone a wonderfull day!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning ladies.. have my blood tests this morning; figures TODAY of all days my fasting blood sugar is higher than it's been for the last month LOL.. im gonna blame the "white coat syndrome"! Heading out shortly but will be back before work to post...AFTER breakfst on the way home :laugh:

    i was thinking last night that maybe for the mini challenge for September, maybe this could be a month where we set specific individual mini goals for ourselves rather than a group one? Maybe save a groupie one for Oct or November; give us time to come up with one.. again, just a thought!

    Bis - sorry, that might have been me referring to it s a run - I think it's just habit for all walks and runs for charity here to refer to it as a run now.... but you know we'll be there with our pom poms on the sidelines for ya!! :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi, newbie here. Cathy from Chicago suburbs. Wanna get at least 30 off and as long as I don't sabotage myself I WILL GET THERE! Been working out 3-4 days a week. Wearing my heart rate monitor and getting off 500 cals each workout. Doesn't seem to translate into pounds off tho. What's that all about- some evil thing going on! Hey, is anyone taking HRT's??

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hi Cathy and welcome to the Hatters! I'm in the burbs too (but in Toronto) and have a little more to get off, but this group is helping me do it! Congrats on making the decision to get healthy and fit, you WILL GET THERE! I was getting frustrated because I have been making good food choices, limiting my calories and walking every day and still wasnt seeing the scale move at all .. but the ladies here kept me sane and finally am starting to see it the right direction lol.. (mind you I did have a hammer in my hand the last time I got on them.. so .. they may have just felt inclined to co operate??? giggle snort.. I KNOW its hard but you're doing everything right, just keep your eyes on the prize of eating well and moving (easier said than done i know) but we'll help ya .. and it will happen! I don't take HRT because lately (knock wood) I haven't had too many probs other than bouts of hot flashes!) so I'm not much help there :o( sowwy!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Morning all,

    Kimberly- new school, new house and new town? Good lord and good luck!

    Cathy Hi and welcome-I chose not to take HRT's but I am sure there is some one here that can help we have and amazing group of ladies.

    Carol- One word....Lovely

    Bis- Health and endurance is better than the scale moving and good luck again on the walk/run this weekend. I will be praying as well for clouds only!

    Snoozie, - the .4 is yours if you want, I have so many more too lose I think I won't miss it. Good luck at the Dr. today and I too sometimes get that "white coat syndrome" it sucks.....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    finally brave enough to place a picture of me on the site.... will also post a b4...:glasses:


    photos with red shirts are Disney 2011 - definitely a b4!

    size 1x top / 16w pant.....

    swimsuit is a 16 misses....

    :bigsmile: lovely Carol!! You look amazing!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    :happy: @ Tonya - thank you!! But..(heavy sigh) decided I'd feel too guilty taking it after all your hard work LOL.. but I'm not above grovelling for other peoples losses apparently!! :laugh: :laugh: great job!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Sorry I wasn't about to check in yesterday but I became ill after supper so I logged my food for the day and called it a night.

    Good to see new members and that some of members hoarders are making good steps in other areas :wink: I will say cleaning out a love ones home does have a way of making you see the things that you have been needing to let go. Can you imagine a three room apartment with a family of 6? Now imagine that family moving to a hope and donating btw 10 and 15 van loads to charity. No wonder we had no room :noway:

    Oh my goodness, it has been only two weeks and the horns that hold some of my little angels halos in place are beginning to show:noway: I have been very successful up until this point at leaving close to 4 pm, to it was 5. This is NOT going to become a habit and should it I am begging my ladies to lasso my hatter butt and pull me out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not sure what is going on but yesterday I couldn't make myself eat my lunch :huh: other than a few grapes. The thought of eating the meat I just couldn't think about. By supper I was starving but since I had started soup stock on Monday I was able to create some yummy and healthy soup without blowing the day. Sadly I became sick after that :ohwell: Always looking ahead I cooked enough that I was able to add a few new items tonight and had another yummy and healthy soup.

    Well I need to review a few things for class tomorrow. Hump day is over and only 2 days to the weekend YEAH !!!!!!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Good news ladies. I have a grandson on the way. He will be here in February. So excited!!!! My six year old granddaughter wants to name him after her daddy. We will have to see what Crystal & her husband think about this.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Good news ladies. I have a grandson on the way. He will be here in February. So excited!!!! My six year old granddaughter wants to name him after her daddy. We will have to see what Crystal & her husband think about this.

    Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!! May the blessings of God be with you all during this time.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters..
    Woke up this morning after a cruddy sleep, feeling a little bummed out after the blood tests yesterday and just cranky in general (or as Merobi would say..”irritated” with the world). Was SO not in the mood to do my walk, and spent close to an hour telling myself I could slough it off today. I finally dragged myself down there (grumbling at the traffic) and even once I was there I was totally gruntled.. and every step was a struggle, I just did NOT want to be there doing it. My feet felt like lead and even the nice “good morning” people weren’t around, so I was getting into an even more foul mood as I went.. thought about packing it in several times…which led me to thinking about my history with any exercise; it’s always been a slippery slope with me, hence how I ended up here at MFP now lol) .. but I’d skip one day telling myself it’s just one day.. which would lead to 2.. and inevitably, I’d just get discouraged and disgusted with myself and give up completely. I probably couldn’t even count the number of times in the last 30 years I’ve joined a gym or started an exercise program and then bailed at some point. So I had the whole talk with me in my head.. about was it going to happen again..and if it did oh well… yep I said I was in a bad mood lol.. and yes, this morning I was feeling quite sorry for myself and hard done by; feeling like all my hard work over the last two months were wasted..blah blah.. I suspect you all know exactly what I mean..just one of days..and one of those emotional moments which have always before led me to the dive into the box of chocolate or bag of chips and then giving up on me. Anyway, at some point while I was thinking and feeling all this, I looked at my timer thing (I set it for an hour when I start) and I was already 47 minutes into my hour. Hmm. Well, at that point I figured I might as well go around the lake one more time and finish the hour,even though I was still in the foul mood lol.. which also gave me a little more time to reflect and admit to myself that I was just overreacting big time (aka EMOTIONAL meltdown) which I am blaming on menopause lol… and admitted I was slightly embarrassed that I had gone so crazy over really nothing… I KNOW every day I am making progress but I guess I just forgot that there will still be days when emotions take over….and that I can’t revert to old habits when they do. I could choose to change my attitude and realize that it was just one of those days…and it would pass.. or keep wallowing in my own little pity party and toss in the towel like so many times before. I’m not going to lie.. I still wanted to wallow just a little bit, but I felt considerably better when the timer went off that I had not given in to the moment. A small victory, but for me, it’s the first time I actually talked myself through an emotional moment BEFORE diving into the old habit of turning to food for comfort. And I’m grateful for having the Hatters available to be able to confess my insecurities and fears to; sometimes that’s all we need to get back on track! And I’m there! Thanks Hatters!

    back in a couple with some replies:bigsmile:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'm so proud of you, Snoozie. You are doing everything right.. We will continue to have those off days that we want to quit, but you did the right thing, you went on anyway ,with maybe the intent to walk a little shorter time limit, and that would have been good....but you made it the whole way and learned something about yourself.....You HAVE changed!! As you said ,you would have usually .....not gone, ate you way through those feelings , and probably fall off the wagon and disrupt everything you've done for yourself , so far....BUT YOU DIDN"T...So props to you, my friend..
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks Gail.. and loved your line about "would usually eat your way through those feelings" because thats what I've always done.. and came very close to doing this morning (I might have even fought the geese for something that resembled a potato chip if I had seen it lol). I just have to remember this epiisode next time a moment hits .. note to self.. (then again, with my luck i'll be having a mentlepause moment at the same time and forget where I put the note!!!) :laugh:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    T2: Just saw your pound gone.. doing the happy dance for you my friend!!!

    Cheryl: awesome news on the new grandbaby arrival! LOL @ your g/d deciding on the name – let us know if mom and dad are in agreement!

    TA: Hope you’re feeling better today – I did chuckle a little when you said you felt ill after supper, but only because it popped into my head that every time I cook I wonder if I’m going to poison myself! HOWLED at the “horns holding the halos” comment; and rest assured we WILL BE HERE TO BUTT KICK you if we see anything more than an OCCASIONAL 5pm departure!! We know as women we’re hard wired to put ourselves last on the list, so we’ll drag you out to make sure you don’t let your batteries get too low taking care of everyone else there! Hope the little angels had their halos shined up for you today and the horns put away lol

    Bis: I had to change my tracking stuff to include cholesterol, carbs and sugar and I changed the cholesterol amounts from MFP recommended of 300mg per day down to 200 on mine, just because for now I am trying to keep an eye on those areas.. the sugars are still hard to watch; there is so much hidden sugar in everything from soup to frozen dinners (and especially in anything marked “LOW FAT” because when they take the fat out, they put sugar in instead.. I have to read every label on anything now and rarely buy anything low fat … I couldn’t believe it when I found out a can of campbells tomato soup has a horrific amount of sugar in it (I used to use a can in my chili recipe). Good luck with your own tracking .. let us know how it goes? What time should we have our pom poms ready for the walk btw?

    Janet – I haven’t been close enough to maintenance to have the same fears you mentioned, but I know my weight has always been my security blanket, so I second your excellent advice to Merobi to perhaps find a group who are at maintenance already… (and agree..will be good to have some insider knowledge from one of our for each of us when we get to our goals!)

    Merobi – huge congrats again, and see above lol

    Tonya: loved your line in your post Life is good, I am alive and kicking and taking names! So happy to hear things are looking up all around and you’re getting time to look after you again!!! Big hugs!

    Cathy and Bestmom - how are things going in your corners of the world?
    Mary - see the scales are moving for you too.. awesome!

    I’m thinking my non food reward for not skipping my walk this morning… is a NAP this afternoon LOL.. I’m on vacation again now (I had to push back a lot of mine over the summer to fill in for my boss) so I think that’s a great way to start it off… a quick “snooze” LOL! Later, ladies!!

    :bigsmile: P.S. GAIL - just saw your status about having upped your stairs another five minutes (and again, SO proud of you!) just wondered if you were planning to use it for a personal challenge forSeptember, or just want to do it for yourself.. im only asking cause i'm still thinking about setting one for myself for the rest of the month... : you're doing awesome! bigsmile: