What are your results so far?



  • PaleoRDH
    I did paleo last year for about 6 weeks and lost nothing. this time I've been doing it for 2 months and have lost 8 pounds. In a review of my eating habits i've decided to stop with the nuts and nut butters until i lose the weight because I have control issues with them, especially pistachios and cashews. Also next week my hubby and I are going to do the 21-day sugar detox, hopefully that will take off a few pounds but I'm really going to miss fruit.............ohhh how i love that mashed banana with cashew butter mixed into it. YUMMO. But after I lose the weight I need to lose I can have it as an occassional treat. I'm one of those poor people with the obesity gene and I have to fight constantly to not gain weight. Sigh. Oh well, could be worse. :sad:
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    Just started primal...hit a plateau on very low calorie diet after losing 80 pounds. Gained almost 10 pounds back while eating at maintenance calories and and really discouraged. I guess it's time to get my metabolism back on track after destroying it on VLCD :( I am hoping this works, because this is how I plan to eat forever, one day at a time. NO cheats for me...I can't get back after.

    It's nice to see all the support...yay

  • kcmsmith0405
    kcmsmith0405 Posts: 259 Member
    II have been primal for 2.5 years for health reasons, I originally lost about 50 lbs, never quite hitting my actual weight goal which was 60 lbs. I gained about 10 lbs back in the past 6 months from an adrenal problem, and now that is corrected and I am back to my usual primal diet, only doing a calorie deficit to lose the 10 I gained and hopefully the other 10 to meet my original goal that i never quite hit! It has helped my health issues tremendously and my other goal is to start being able to actually exercise again. Still working on that but slowly getting more energy and stamina so i am hopeful!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Almost 8 weeks in, i've lost 3 pounds, however I am strength training, so i am not really trying to lose more weight as I am 116 , but cut my body fat percentage down, I started at 19.1% body fat, after 4 weeks I was 17.6%, and I go get measured again in 1 week, my goal is 15%.....but other results are amazing, my acne is gone!!!! I've suffered for years with no medicines working, and my fybro pain is gone!!!! as well as my anxiety !! those results right there are awesome!!! :bigsmile:
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    it's been 5 weeks, i think, maybe 6? I lost 6lbs in the first week, then gain a couple back, then lost them again.

    I've lost 2% body fat according to my scale.

    I've been sleeping 10000% better then i used to and I have't had a migraine since I started, and i used to get them quite regularly.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I started Whole 30 on January 1, and pretty much kept it up (I do allow 2 cheat meals a week, but are wanting it less and less). My skin looks amazing and my hair is very shiny. I have more energy. I always have had mild depression and figured that was my lot in life, GONE. My whole outlook on life has changed. My chronic neck and foot pain are gone. My PMS symptoms are gone and my periods are lighter (I pray it helps my infertility). I have lost about 17 pounds and one pants size.
  • nemiredi3
    nemiredi3 Posts: 29 Member
    I started Whole 30 today and am so excited!!! I can't wait to see all the benefits!! Anyone else starting now and want to start a new group for whole 30?
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I'm correction my post should say November 1. I'm looking forward to next year obviously.