September check-in and chat thread



  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Today -

    Squat 115 lbs. 5x5

    Overhead 70 lbs. 5x5

    Deadlifts 135 lbs. 1x5 BUSTED OUT THE BIG GIRL PLATES!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: lol

    That finishes up week 9 for me. My weeks are off, I missed a couple workouts. I have to say I am really loving the results from this program. I feel great! It's so cool to see emerging muscles and just plain feel stronger all around. Makes every day life so much easier!

    Ishtar - that gym story is great. You really are doing an awesome job! So cool somebody noticed.

    nexangelus - I've noticed you around ...your weights are CRAAZZZY awesome!! :drinker: Seriously I am impressed. I hope to be a beast like you someday!! WOW.....(and I mean the beast part in a totally good way lol)

  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    Overhead 70 lbs. 5x5

    Deadlifts 135 lbs. 1x5 BUSTED OUT THE BIG GIRL PLATES!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: lol

    Ishtar - that gym story is great. You really are doing an awesome job! So cool somebody noticed.

    Thanks! Really made my day.

    Your weights are very impressive, and YAY on the big girl plates!!! I'm not using those on anything yet, I'm so jealous!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yesterday I did 3x72.5kg squats, 2x60kg squats. 22.5kg OHP (form is much better and shoulder is holding up fine) and 77.5kg deadlifts. 5 kg more and I'll be at bodyweight and a half! So excited to hit that!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    nexangelus - I've noticed you around ...your weights are CRAAZZZY awesome!! :drinker: Seriously I am impressed. I hope to be a beast like you someday!! WOW.....(and I mean the beast part in a totally good way lol)

    Thanks Andrea, we are all awesome beasts tee, hee!

    It is nice (wrong word, it is brilliant) to see ladies lifting the real stuff. There are not many, if any, other than myself at my gym (damnit all!), so I needed to come here for some tips, stories, inspiration and general support.

    Keep at it, slow and steady. You will get there. I am really hurting today after several weeks of no pains, it really hit me this week. Realised fully how heavy I was lifting and I think my body has caught up with my personal trainer says I can defo lift heavier on the stuck OP, BP and BR...time to re-focus...think that is why I am hurting today, was full of focus yesterday, also had to go a wee bit faster than usual, as time was short as the gym was busy last night (didn't want to be an equipment hog).

    Way to go ladies...stay strong... : )
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Hello - Congrats on all the great workouts posted here! These seems like a pretty active and knowledgeable group so I thought I'd post my newbie questions here. I switched to SL after a few NROL4W stage 3 workouts due to the length of the workouts. I've done 3 SL workouts so far, here are my questions:

    Is anyone doing the assistance exercises that used to be part of the program? If yes, what is the recommended # of sets and reps for the Dips and how do you do weighted Reverse Crunches?

    How much rest time do you wait between sets?

    For anyone short like me (I'm 5'1") where do you put your feet when you bench press?

    Thanks in advance for any advise, Vicki
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Is anyone doing the assistance exercises that used to be part of the program? If yes, what is the recommended # of sets and reps for the Dips and how do you do weighted Reverse Crunches?

    How much rest time do you wait between sets?

    For anyone short like me (I'm 5'1") where do you put your feet when you bench press?

    Thanks in advance for any advise, Vicki

    I never did, because early on I didn't think of it and later I was too exhausted by the end to even consider it. Do an amount htat is reasonable for your ability - I'd probably recommend doing 3x8 or something in that line. I don't know what he was calling a reverse crunch - you can do it with a cable, or you can do a hanging leg raise and add weight by holding it between your ankles, but hanging leg raises on their own are plenty challenging so I'd maybe just do that.

    I'm not that short, but benches are not THAT high off the ground, you should be able to put your feet on the ground?

    Re: rest time - when you start, you may not need much for the first few weeks. Later, base it on how you feel and how much you are failing. 60 -90 seconds if previous set was fairly easy, 3 minutes if it was very hard. IF you fail on a set, give yourself a full 5 minute rest and see how the next set goes.
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi, I still use assisted machine for pull ups and dips. I've been doing strong lifts for 6 weeks. I Every week I add less weight to the machine so I can progress. Being not quite 5 feet tall, I too have the problem w/ the Bench press, as to where to put my feet. On the floor makes me arch way too much and strains my lower back. In the beginning I could put my feet on the bench and press, but as the weight has increased, I have had to improvise....I use 2 steps (the plastic ones for aerobic excersise) on each side where my feet go, rasing my legs so my back does not arch too much. If only they made height adjustable benches, we would be set!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    For anyone short like me (I'm 5'1") where do you put your feet when you bench press?

    I'm 5'3" and my feet reach the floor, but if they didn't, I'd put one or two big plates on each side of the bench on the floor and put my feet there.

    I used to do that for lat pull downs.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Is anyone doing the assistance exercises that used to be part of the program? If yes, what is the recommended # of sets and reps for the Dips and how do you do weighted Reverse Crunches?

    How much rest time do you wait between sets?

    I do dips and pull ups unassisted (used to use a resistance band for the pull ups when my back was not strong enough for full body weight) only to gauge my strength now. Have a door gym at home if I really fancy a back work out (the stronglift workout on its own is enough for my whole body) Also do press ups every now and again to see how far my muscle strength has come on.

    I give myself 2 minutes between sets and 5 minutes between each of the three exercises now it is heavier.

    I think folks look at the programme and reckon it is too easy, too little or too simple to work your whole body. Give it a few weeks, then try the isolation machines, you will be surprised. (I can lift at least 30 kg heavier on each machine than before)
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    I usually give myself 2 minutes in between sets, sometimes 2:30 between the last few. I just saw tameko's suggestion about resting a full 5 minutes after a fail. I may have to start trying that.

    I also just came in to brag that I finally did the whole 5x5 on overhead presses with the weight I've been struggling with. On to 65 pounds! (for the next month, I'm sure :wink: )
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful responses! Off to the basement for my 2nd workout B.

    Loulady congrats on your OPs!!!
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I usually give myself 2 minutes in between sets, sometimes 2:30 between the last few. I just saw tameko's suggestion about resting a full 5 minutes after a fail. I may have to start trying that.

    I also just came in to brag that I finally did the whole 5x5 on overhead presses with the weight I've been struggling with. On to 65 pounds! (for the next month, I'm sure :wink: )

    Excellent! Those OP are tough.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I'm on my 5th week...was doing really well, then last week did way too much cardio, got tired out and hurt my back doing squats. So I'm taking it easy this week and hopefully will be back on schedule soon. My core is so weak after 2 pregnancies! I really feel this program is helping tighten my tummy and legs though.

    Here's the weights I was up to last week before my injury:

    Squat: 100 lbs
    Deadlift: 100 lbs
    OP: 50 lbs
    Bench Press: 65 lbs
    Barbell Row: 65 lbs

    I also do a lot of push ups, plank, and trying to do pull ups/chin ups but that is not easy!
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Squats 180lbs (x3 max weight in ramped up sets)
    Press 100lbs finally finally..
    DL 190lbs

    Torture bonus:
    Weighted planks 3x 60sec with 45lb plates on my lower back
    Couple dips, pull and chin ups

    Last workout for me this week, phew.. have a great weekend everyone :wink:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Here is where I am today.....still stuck at certain weights, still slogging onwards and upwards, becoming impatient as want to trim the fat a month's time or so, maybe sooner.

    Squat - 90 kg (198 lbs)
    Bench Press - 55 kg (121 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 37.5 kg (82.5 lbs)
    Deadlift - 90 kg (198 lbs)

    Tried some isolation and dumbell exercises (at least 5 - 8 in each set) to see strength gains : 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs) in each hand bicep curl, 25 kg (55 lbs) one armed row, 52 kg (114.4 lbs) lateral pull downs...5 unassisted pull ups...getting stronger, leaner, but feeling a bit frumpy *kitten* at the mo...(tummy, leg, back and bum fat ugh!!!)

    Still 162 lbs at 5 foot 5.... I eat 2000 calories on average per day. Only eat potatoes, starchy veg and brown pasta and rice, etc on training days. Otherwise it is complex carbs (lotsa raw vegetables) and protein protein protein, try to get 162g of it per day down the gullet) Also eat fruit too most days.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Squats 180lbs (x3 max weight in ramped up sets)
    Press 100lbs finally finally..
    DL 190lbs

    Torture bonus:
    Weighted planks 3x 60sec with 45lb plates on my lower back
    Couple dips, pull and chin ups

    Last workout for me this week, phew.. have a great weekend everyone :wink:

    I am in complete awe and hope to catch up to you by the end of the year!
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Wow!!! Some impressive weights by you ladies!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Some amazing stats ladies!

    Today I put 3 plates under each foot when I bench pressed and it was much better. My husband and son thought it was hilarious but it worked.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Some amazing stats ladies!

    Today I put 3 plates under each foot when I bench pressed and it was much better. My husband and son thought it was hilarious but it worked.

    Yeah powerlifters arch the back for leverage, I am thinking for me either arching or plates under feet would work...maybe just maybe I will get past this weight I have been stuck on for ages (although there is the madcow system I could use just for the OP, the bench and the row hmmmm)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new here, I completed new rules in Aug, and then after a few weeks off here I am. Started yesterday, lowered my weights a little bit to:
    Squat 25kg (55lb)
    BP 16kg (36lb)
    Row 22.5kg (50lb)

    It was nice to work on form with the squats, much easier to get lower down at this weight! However the BP weight is only 2kg below my max, so i'll have to increase weight v slowly on that i think.

    I too have height issues with the bench, even tho i am 5'5"!! I get my feet flat, but can't get much leverage. Might try for some plates under them too.

    I was pleasantly surprised to be done in 40 mins, even tho it took me a while to work out my levels, so i added some prone jacknives. Might go for some cardio next time :grumble:

    How long does everyone wait between sets?