Starting tomorrow

I have been reading all of the information about EMTWL on this site and the eatmore2weightless site and I have to say this lifestyle change sounds like it might be the way for me to go. I have been using MFP every single day since Jan 1 and I have only lost 19lbs. This was from a calorie range of 1200-1600 a day and using a fitbit to track my activity levels for eating my calories back. And I generally lose about 1 lb every 3 weeks. Recently I haven't lost anything in close to 2 months and I am beyond frustrated.
I have gone to the scooby calculator to get the data necessary for the plan and my numbers are very very close together. They are nothing like I have seen with the other users on this group or the website. If I post here would you be able to help me?

Female, 29, 182lbs, 5'3. I have a desk job, I work 10 hours at my desk 4 days a week but I try to be active as much as possible on my 3 days off as well as 2 nights a week after work. I work in a customer service setting so getting up from my desk during the work day is not an option.
I did my numbers as I have seen suggested :
30%protein, 30%fat, and 40%carbs with a 15% cut.
But the numbers don't add up to me.
If I choose sedentary it says:
BMR 1600
TDEE 1920
Cut 1632
If I choose lightly active I get:
BMR 1600
TDEE 2200
Cut 1870

I'm not sure which to choose and it's not very clear to me because the cut for both activity levels is not 400 more than the BMR. Unless it's supposed to be 400 less than the TDEE. If I could get some clarification before I begin that would be fantastic.


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Do you do any type of strength training or cardio for a set amount of time? If so, you would add up the total time and choose the activity level based on that. Most people are not sedentary. If you do 3-5hrs per week of exercise that is moderate activity.

    So, if you stick with the light activity that means you only do 1-3hrs a week. Your cut only has you 270 above your BMR. I am sure you burn that up in extra activity.

    Again, the key is to choose the right activity level.

    I wish you all the best and please keep us posted!

  • DestineeTrue
    DestineeTrue Posts: 16 Member
    So if I choose light activity ( I do strength training but Im on hold to check out the New lifting book from the library) would I eat tdee for a while to reset my metabolism then go to cut?