Questions about keto

Ok guys I have 2 questions one would be how long after starting the diet should I be in ketosis? And after I get to my goal weight what should my ratio of fat carbs and protein be to maintain weight?


  • indyguy6600
    I can only tell you how my body might be different for everyone else there. I can get into ketosis in 3-4 days, by keeping my carb intake at 5% of my total calories. When I first started Keto, it was hard for me to get my fat calories where they needed to be. Make sure you're getting at least 60% of cals from fat. Buy some Keto stix if you haven't already to see when you get into ketosis. Once you've been on Keto for awhile, I've noticed that I've stayed in ketoris even when I have a "cheat" meal every 7-14 days. Hope this helps, sorry I don't have an answer on what your maintenence settings should be.
  • mjclark11
    Day 2 went well so hopefully i will be in ketosis by the end of the week! thanks!
  • SFBarbear
    It took me about 4 days to get into ketosis, you'll know by the headache and general lack of energy and moodiness.

    the last question is very individualistic. some say it's OK to up your carbs to 50-100 but to still watch your habits and intakes. there are some great videos on YouTube that talk about this. just do a search for Keto diet
  • mjclark11
    Thanks. And it's day 3 and I'm already starting to feel fatigued and kind of pukey just wishing I could go munch on a little Debbie cake but know I can't!! Any I dead of something sweet I can have that won't ruin me? Lol
  • SFBarbear
    buy some heavy whipping cream, empty a packet of equal into 1/2 a cup of it. Add 1 tsp of coco powerd and whip the hell out of it. TA DA sweet, creamy, chocolate creme
  • DannyJAlbers
    You can greatly accelerate it by consuming 80% of calories from fat, and combining that with daily sprints or heavy lifts such as dead lifts. The faster you deplete your stored glycogen and some blood glucose, the faster it picks up.

    This could be uncomfortable your first time through, and in that case i would let it go naturally.

    If you plan to stay in nutritional ketosis I recommend you limit protein greatly to about 15% of calories, and carbs around 3%. At leat for me this keeps me there. I ran my first half marathon this summer in full nutritional ketosis at that ratio.

    Just my personal experience.
  • mjclark11
    oh my gosh that sounds amazing i will have to try it thanks!!! and yes this is my first time doing this so i decided that im not going to exercise except for walking for about a month and see where that gets me. Thanks for all the help it is really appreciated!
  • Bill_from_Philly
    One thing that helps with the "keto flu" is drinking some chicken broth or powerade zero. Your electrolytes deplete alot faster on keto so you need to watch them.
  • mjclark11
    Great cause I've been feeling sick the past few days in the morning almost thought I was prego lol but then I remembered that this can happen with the diet lol thanks for the tips!!