Support friends

Hello My name is Melinda,

I am trying to lose 12lbs so that I can be approved for gastric bypass surgery. I am making a huge effort to eat healthy and exercise too. I would love some online support! Anybody looking for online friends/support please feel free to add me.



  • ainesis777
    Hi everybody,
    I invite you to check out/ join my group if you are serious and want to lose fast. We are about to embark a 21 day journey. The name of the group is Never the same-Bizzy Diet/exercise program. I have a specific workout regimen to do at home and the eating can be modified to your budget. I would love for you all to join. In turn you motivate me!!! :) my brother has transformed his physique with these exercises so I know it works. Now it's our turn!!!! Yeah!!!

    Reveal your inner hotness!!M!!!M