TDEE Logging Confusion

lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
Forgive me if these questions are answered somewhere in the group thread, but after reading everything about TDEE, BMR, and CUT I am a little confused and need some things explained, like, super simply.

So I figured out that at 158 lbs my TDEE with moderate exercise (I work out about 3 times a week and walk frequently since I live in an urban area) at a 15% cut is 1,995 calories.

But I am confused... should I be aiming for less calories on rest days? Also, I really like logging my work outs because I like seeing how many calories I’ve burned and I like being able to track my fitness progress on this site. So here are my questions.

1. Should I be logging my work outs at how many calories I burn, or just not logging them at all or putting them at like 1 calorie?
2. Can I log the works outs with the proper calorie burn and just not eat back those calories? If so should I be eating less than 1,995 calories on days I don’t work out?
3. Could I set my calorie goal to my BMR and then just make sure to eat back my work out calories?

Again, sorry if these answers are obvious, but I am just kind of overwhelmed/confused.



  • Crystalchaos72
    Eat 1995 every single day, you can log your activity/cals burned either in your notes section of your diary or however you wish, you don't need to eat them back since it is factored in to your daily cals, unless you end up netting under your bmr, then you can eat more if you wish, or get hungry. Hope I din't confuse you further, I eat 2765 or more most days, the more (3000+) works better for my energy levels. Have a good day!
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Crystal explained it perfectly. Eat your cut (1995) every single day, whether you work out or not. You can log your exercise but if you happen to dip below your BMR, then eat some calories back until you get back up to your BMR.

    I always log my exercise just b/c I find it to be a great motivator....I just pay close attention to make sure I don't net under my BMR.